Chapter 14

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Bonnie shot up from bed, startled awake by the alarm blazing in the apartment, the was no way she could mistake it for her bed side alarm, not with the red glow signaling a supernatural had gotten into her home. Since she hadn’t welcomed any one through the front door meant whoever it was, was unwelcomed.
She had installed the (SSD) supernatural security device a year ago when she had suspected she was being followed by a cult of Empurias, one of which she had captured for his angel.
Apparently the empuria had thought that the cult could help him evade his contract with his angel, in fear of retribution from the cult she had gotten the device which was found in a number of warden homes, installed in hers, even when the angel had told her he would not let any harm come to her.
Like she would put her life in the hands of someone except herself.
She pushed the memory aside; someone was here, in her apartment and they were not supposed to be.
She quickly lifted up her pillows to reveal a small arsenal of weapons that she was sure wouldn’t go off under her head while she slept. She swiftly got the belt holster around her waist, paying little attention to the fact she was only in her under wear and a tank top at the moment. Her legs needed the freedom, and if it came down to a fight, a little nudity wouldn’t hurt, hell it may even work in her advantage.
She adjusted her eyes to the dark, as the alarms died out enveloping the entire apartment in total darkness. Slowly she made her way out of the bedroom into the corridor, as she moved she couldn’t help but wonder who it could be. Her heart racing in sync with the adrenaline coursing through her veins. It could as well be Empurias or angels or both, maybe Jopel had sent someone, she had thought he would give her more time, at least until the sketchy job he was hiring her was completed, to hush her.
Maybe he didn’t need her any more.
Who could he have gotten to replace her? Because she recognized the fact that he needed her set of unique skills. She knew of a few wardens who could help him but no one had her level of skills especially when it came to recognizing the supernaturals.
She noticed the blue tracts of boots steps across the floor and trailed it, mouthing a thank you to Don Woodsan, the head of  the order’s weaponry and artilleries innovations, he had added to gel for extra security when she had told him of her predicament with the given cult case. The gel would trail the movement of the supernatural and couldn’t be seen by empuria kin.
Which meant two things, she had woken just as quickly as the alarm had started blazing given that the still looked very fresh, secondly the was only one intruder- as the was only one set of shoe prints on the ground.
The gels led to the dining area. She sniffed the air which was dense with power and spoke of timeworn age. Definitely an Empuria, she thought. Whoever the scent belonged to was a very old, and the lack of luring auras on her senses meant it was a female, as an empuria scent were mostly only able to lure the opposite sex of their gender. She raised her gun out of the holster and was about to make a grand entrance when the light flickered on.
Bonnie quickly plastered herself against the wall, surprise that the light had come on; it meant somehow her intruder was able to sense her, which also meant her angel was up the ranks, as that sometimes was also a contributing factor to how strong an Empuria could get, and the abilities they were gifted with age.
“I’m just here to talk, Ms. Lionheart. You can come out now.” The stranger’s feminine voice was one Bonnie denote an accent, though she couldn’t place it.
Fuck this, she wasn’t going to let anyone boss her in her own home; the only place she could truly call her own. Besides she could probably take out the empuria, it wouldn’t be easy, that realization came with the awareness of her age.
Let me out and I will tear her limb from limb for you. Her Valkyrie said in that cold tone that she had come to associate with her Valkyrie when she was irritated. With the recognition that her Valkyrie would step in if needed, she treaded carefully into the room to find a tall, slender female dressed in black leather gear with hard eyes of mocha fixed on her.
Bonnie did a quick assessment of the stranger; she had a face and pose of a warrior. Suddenly Bonnie felt under dress for the party.
What the hell was wrong with her? Intruder, Bonnie, you have an intruder in your home. She pointed the gun at the woman who raised both her hands. From where Bonnie stood the stranger looked unarmed, but she could as well be hiding an arsenal on her body. No Empuria intruded into a warden’s space without a weapon, no matter how powerful.
“Eyes up here, Empuria.” Bonnie said when she noticed the stranger’s train of sight, which was too intense to be a casual assessment. When she got her attention up to her face again Bonnie continued, “You have 20 seconds to speak.”
“My name is Anna Bezxavc head of security Mount Cloud.”
Mount Cloud was the home to the dominion of Russia and other lands in the north east of Asia. What was wrong with the angels, and using Mount in the syllables for their strongholds, a few used ‘isle’, others ‘tower’, only one used fountain and it was in a city ran by an angel, Judea if she wasn’t mistaken, who was rumored to keeping a tight leash on the supernatural community in the city not too far from Los Angelis.
“Who sent you? Bonnie asked. “Is it Jopel? I know your dominion is missing, and you’re a far away from home, so I will go on a hunch and say you swished allegiance.” Bonnie said in the coldest tone she could muster. If the woman was indeed the head of security for a dominion, a position occupied mostly by powerful and resourceful angels, what was that saying about her?
“There are more honorable angels for me to work for, should I wish to leave Mount Cloud. I wasn’t sent here by Jopel.” She seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing. “I am actually here to warn you about the dominion in question, and the others. They are planning something big and dangerous. Jopel has my Sire’s mate in his stronghold. I was sent here to report this to you and ask for your corporation.”
“Why me?”
“You were given the task of working with the Archangel, I have checked you up our database, and I know you’re not one of Jopel’s puppet wardens.”
“The order of the wardens is no once puppet, angel or not. It might be that way in Moscow but not here in the states.”
“Lady, please you work for them.” She actually rolled her eyes.
Bonnie bit back a retort statement, weary that she could be bating her into an argument to have her all riled up and lower her guard, beside she knew it would take a whole life time to convince the woman otherwise. Let’s say I believed you, what is Jopel planning?”
“I do not know but my mistress has more information than I can give you right now, we needed it to be that way because unlike her, I can be manipulated to telling the truth. You will need to speak with her.”
Just Great. “Didn’t you say she was being hold up in Mount Shell?”  Bonnie asked, looking around to make sure she had not missed this mistress Anna Bezxavc was talking about, as far as she could tell they were alone.
“She’s locked in the complex, as I told you but I can link your mind with her own, for a moment…”
“Stop right there. No way I’m I letting you anywhere near me Empuria.”
“I pose no threat to you warden. Tell me, what have the dominion told you about your mission? Have you asked yourself why they would only let you track it without letting you capture it, even with your impressive records, and have an archangel, who has not walked the earth for almost a century finish the job?”
“There are red tapes but…”
“Jopel is stalling Bonnie, can’t you see, until whatever he is planning is finished or it becomes too late. He has you, and that means he has the wardens where he wants them.”
Bonnie mind did the math, while having her eyes and the gun pointed to the Empuria. Something about Jopel didn’t add up. She’d always been suspicious about the case; too many dangerous signs. He was withholding information and it wasn’t just about the fact he thought she was human. Then again, she couldn’t trust this stranger with her mind. She might be a Valkyrie, but she could still be messed up by this Anna Bezxavc woman. Whose age made her bone quake although she didn’t look like she had ill intent. She must have been good at lying, or she was actually telling the truth. Truth, that was what echoed in her mind.
“Go along with her” said the voice in her head. I will incinerate her if she so much as makes a funny move.
Bonnie made up her mind. She might not be able to trust this woman but she had a hundred percent confidence in her Valkyrie. She took out the customize cuffs which was warded not to break under an Empurias strength, plus enough charge to knock out an Empuria who tried to attack a warden, or even had an impulse to do that. She was being extra cautious and that had never hurt anyone before.
“Move to the edge of the table.” Bonnie commanded.

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