Chapter 4

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Uriel placed his hands on the glass walls of the bathroom, spreading his wings, allowing for every inch of his body to relish every steam. It felt good. For a good twenty minutes he remained this way, finally he got out of the in-built pool and made his way into the bed room, a towel in hand as he did. He was still mopping his face and hair, when he heard the gasp, taking away the piece of cotton from his face; he met the eyes of the intruder in his room.

It was Alura, the female empuria servant Jopel had attached to him, to tend after his needs during his stay in his Stronghold, staring at him in a look of shock, her eyes narrowing, hunger, lust and longing in their depths. She slowly started making her way toward him. Her eyes fixed on….

“Snap out of it!” Ureil commanded and she immediately regained herself. It was something females; mostly human and empurias utterly fell for. Angelic-charm, which could be induced intentionally or not by the angel in question. Clearly the archangel had no intention of luring the woman with his celestial charms.

I’m sorry sir. Do you need anything else? She traces the outline of her work shirt. Clearly, she wasn’t over it yet.
Uriel was exasperated. Jopel should have known this woman belonged to the small percentage of humans that desired the body of Angels as their lovers. Why then had he sent her to him? He hadn’t been with a woman for a very long time and he wasn’t going to be changing that fact any sooner.

“Out!” Jopel voice called from the door, pulling both their attention to him.

They both watched her scramble out of the room as fast as she could. Uriel had a blank look on his face, as he watched her leave their presence. Jopel wearing a chortle expression in amusement.

“You like what you saw, huh, Uriel my friend?” Jopel asked with a chuckle. Uriel wouldn’t lie, the girl was beautiful, but not the type of woman he took to bed. For one he wouldn’t engage in a relationship if he suspected his partner wasn’t just under a flirting lust-struck spell and with his strength that eliminated a lot of possibilities from the list.

“No. more like she liked what she saw.” You shouldn’t have sent her if you knew she was an angel stunned.

“She isn’t.” Jopel replied, when Uriel didn’t look convinced, He raised his hands in defense and added “Not in the least, not that I know of.” Crossing the room towards the window he continued. “You know I wish they got all worked up for me like the do with you. You’ve got them drooling all over the place, and damn, if it isn’t hot.”

“We all are the same.” Uriel stated walking to the bedside to get his cloths.

“No we aren’t. Alura is a testament to that.” Jopel said still looking outside his busy city.

“Is that so?” Uriel inquired pulling up his jean.

“Yes.” Jopel replied finally turning to meet Uriel’s gaze.

“How then are we different Jopel?” Uriel asked.

“When she was made by Huiel, a century ago. She was transformed into this creature that he found hard to resist. He tried everything on her but it wouldn’t work, not his charms, money, or the promise of power. Nothing seemed to work and that wasn’t stated as her job on their contract. When I rescued her in fear that she would be harmed, I asked her why she didn’t just comply with her angel’s will when she would have been defiled by the angel in question. She told me she loved her husband and couldn’t do what was asked of her; to her no one seemed to be more appealing than the then human she married. That consciousness is something I have never seen, but just now she was about to break that vow.”

“That would explain the horror on her face…”

“She found you irresistible; I could tell, the girl was going to jump your bones any minute.”

“And she would have met her death. No one touches me and go Scott free.”

“I doubt that.”


“You act all holy but we both know that you once indulged in the desires of the flesh as you so bluntly put it.”

Uriel knew who he was referring about, the only woman he had ever been with. The only woman with the most beautiful wings he had ever seen. Her wings had been marvelous, no one else had been able to get his attention since then, but she had belonged to someone else, he had found out a while later and had ended their relationship. “Is the Warden here?” Uriel asked, ending whatever point he felt Jopel was trying to make.

“Yes she is and waiting for us.”

“Then we best not keep her waiting.”

Celestial storm #1 Archangel Storm [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now