Chapter 20

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Uriel turned to her, and for a moment she was certain she could see fire sweltering in those eyes. However the shaking began to ease, and a moment later she could see those intense ethereal green eyes staring back at her once more, gone was the flame in their depth.
“That was a close call.” Eagle said from somewhere in the room.
“You… drew him back.” Judea said . . .  “how did you do that?”
Bonnie had no idea. She had responded on instinct and instinct alone. Valkyrie instinct, and she was happy the question wasn’t asked by Uriel. She now knew for a fact that Uriel was her mate, if she was honest with herself, she had known from the very first time their eyes connected and she wasn’t going to fight it any longer.
“We need a plan.” Rueben said, as everything quiet down moments later.
“Tomorrow we’ll regroup. We need time to process this information.” Eagle said.
“We have at least two days until they have what they want from Zoael. They wouldn’t have called me if they were not close, and Zoael said that was the time frame they gave him between recoveries. I could just level Mount Shell with archangel smite but too many innocent people will die. I want to believe they are some in his employ who do not know what he and the others are doing.”
Bonnie was taken aback with the archangel, on one hand he was this powerful creature whose power’s naturally threatened to raise the world in flames and blood, yet his heart held the opposite, things no one would suspect resided in him,- compassion, love, tenderness, understanding and honor. Her heart swelled with pride at the man who Mother Nature had chosen for her. Even though she had no way of walking around it now, she had faith that everything would sort itself out. If only the other angels had an ounce of Uriel’s quality, the world would have indeed been a better place.
“I promised Ellie and I intend to keep it.”
“We should all get some rest then, for what is left of the night for tomorrow will be a big day.” Reuben said.
“You should remain in the city.” Judea said to Anna. No harm will come to you here.”
“I can’t leave as well.” Bonnie said glancing at Uriel.
“Jopel might know something is up if you go missing.” Eagle said.
“You don’t understand, I can’t.” She had fought their connection from the very first moment she suspected who he was to her, and now that she had finally accepted her fate she could almost feel the pull, like an invincible force drawing them together. She wasn’t certain he could feel it; even if he did she was sure he wouldn’t understand and may as well just ignore it.
At these rate and early period of bonding, physical separation could be unbearding for the Valkyrie to say the least. Not until their connection was cemented and she had a feeling that wasn’t going to happen until all this with Jopel was over.
And even if somehow she managed to leave, it would drive her crazy with worry not knowing if he was save or not. She could end up coming back by dawn.
“I need to make sure you are okay.” Bonnie finally said, looking straight at Uriel ignoring everyone else in the room. “And please do not ask me why, not here.”
Uriel just nodded though confused. She wasn’t making any sense and it wasn’t making any sense that he also, didn’t want her to leave. But he was going with it for now.
“If she is going, I will need to go with her to make sure she is cloaked.” Uriel stood. “I will fly you into the city.”
“You will be spotted by Jopel’s angels…”Bonnie began protesting.
“Not if I am invincible. I hope you aren’t afraid of heights.” He said the last part with a tease.
“Hello, she also have wings.” Her Valkyrie said in response, staring inside her in anticipation.
“No, not at all.” She said finally coming to a decision to show him the other half of what she was.
“We will meet here tomorrow then.” Uriel said.
“I’m sorry.” Bonnie said as Uriel led her outside. “I just can’t be separated from you right now. I know it doesn’t make much sense but…”
“You don’t have to be sorry; there was no way I was letting you go back alone.”
“Why?” Bonnie asked, hope surging inside her.
“Because I protect my people, and you warden, are one of them now.”
His reply spoke volumes to her. Apparently she just became a person under the archangel’s protection. Although she would have been happier if he had just said he protected what was his, but something told her this celestial, unlike the others, didn’t keep humans or saw them as toys to be possessed, and his words, which might seem okay for a human would sound exactly that if it was said by someone like him.
Indeed, he was the kind of person she wanted as her mate. Someone rock powerful yet not corrupted by that power. Someone compassionate, understanding and a warrior with honor. Uriel was all those things and more, the question now was if this archangel would accept her.

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