Chapter 26

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Uriel woke up to the first sounds of the rumbling. There was chaos outside. Smoke. Lots of smoke in the sky, as the human government fighter jets flew above in a pattern he realize was meant for attack. He ran to the windows just as they flew pass Bonnie’s apartment.
What was going on?
Jopel? It was him, he could feel it. He was manipulating the humans to do his dirty work. How much his friend had gone over to the darkness? He would have to be stopped, he and the others. Rage at what they were doing, and sadness for what he was going to have to do warred within him.
Bonnie walked into the room a moment later coming to stand next to him, dressed in black fighting leather, weapons handing from various spots of her body. She froze and he could tell something was wrong beyond the fact that a battle was about to begin.
“What’s wrong?”
“That smoke. That direction . . . That is where the order’s head office is…”
Uriel immediately went to work, his mind raced putting all the pieces together. This must be a diversion. They knew he was unto them and knew he would go after the humans if the needed help. Taking out the order meant they took out the most effective mortal resistance against whatever they were planning. The seal, the must have found out the seal was broken, which meant Zoael was in danger and so was Ellie.
“I need to call Cheryl. God, please let her be save.” she murmured as she paced the room.
“Pick up. Pick up!”
This wasn’t how he’d planned the morning. Jopel was indeed thinking fast. He was on the offensive. It would also seem that he had the higher hand, with the fact that they had a plan of attack, and he didn’t.
“Hello, Cheryl.” Bonnie said.
”It’s gone. HQ is gone.” Came Cheryl’s voice on the other end.
Bonnie closed her eyes for a brief relief that her friend was alive. “The government, I don’t know how, or why, but it was the government. God, there were wardens inside there.”
“All two hundred and eleven wardens in the hostels, dead, gone.” Cheryl continued.
“Where are you Cheryl, where is Rock?”
“I’m at home. Mirabel, and a motorcade of wardens stopped by to get some files when we all saw a smoke. I checked on the monitor, and watched the green light on all my wardens turning red. Rock had a meeting in town he left home early this morning. I called him, and he said he is on the way back. God, Bonnie what’s going on?”
Bonnie was about to tell her friend to stay put, that she was on her way, when Cheryl gasped into the receiver. Panic gripped Bonnie. “What is it Cheryl?”
“It’s still happening. Our wardens off camp… their profile are going red. They are been picked up one by one.” Cheryl said in horror.
But how. How could the government know not just about them and where they’ll be? Someone was tipping them off. The order was compromised, just as Zoael had said.
“Cheryl, you have to get out of there now.”
What… she heard a gasp on the other end before she heard gun shots on the other side.
“What is it, Cheryl? Talk to me!” Bonnie half screamed into the receiver.
“The motorcade is shooting against each other.”
“Fuck, Cheryl, is Mirabel there with you?”
“Yes I am.” Mirabel said into the phone.
“Mirabel, I need you to get the director to safety.” Bonnie commanded.
“The front door is a mess and I suspect they are at the back as well.” The other woman said into the phone.
“Shit….okay, take her upstairs and barricade the room. How many wardens do you have with you?”
“Galab, Star, Drakes and Minx.”
Good people. Bonnie trusted them. “Take her upstairs, I am on my way.”
“We need to go.” Bonnie said, her wings popping out behind her, just as her intrusion alarm came to life, five wardens, which she knew to be wardens, but not close enough to know anything about them. Their names or which family tree they were from. They charged into the room, followed by about half a dozen empuria. She could tell by the weapons they carried, the angelic customize guns, as they were called, followed closely behind.
Immediately they began firing the weapons at them, not paying attention to the fact that the stood a woman with wings, something that wasn’t suppose to be, and had not been for at least a thousand years. Bonnie drew in her wings to cover her body from the blast of angel smith, unsure if her solid wings would be able to handle the share force of the blasts.
When the didn’t hit her, she peeped to see that a wall of shield was blocking her and Uriel. When she saw her archangel outstretched hand she knew it was his doing. The shield took blast after blast of angelic smith, and the wardens shot rippling in places where they fired, but the water blue colored shield held.
The voice of the obvious most powerful creature in the room broke her trance in awe of his display, and the somewhat hypnotizing view in front of her. “Go, I’ll handle them.” Uriel said.
She fought the urge to leave him.
“Your friend, and the little one she carries within, needs you.” He added. She reminded herself that she had bonded with no ordinary or extraordinary man but an archangel, and the only reason he had not snapped his fingers yet and taken them out was because he didn’t want to hurt the people living below.
She made her way to the open window, spreading her wings to take flight, the sun warm and welcoming on her skin. Just before she flew away, she turned to see her archangel, who had been wearing a black jean trouser and his rumpled shirt from yesterday, now covered with a golden leather like armor, with parches of white with a red metallic glove, like that of the ancient warriors. Uriel called up a flame weapon, which was a spear covered in blue flames, his wings snapping out.
At that moment, seeing him in his angelic glory, she knew he was going to be safe. Nevertheless, she sent up a silent prayer to whoever was listening. She dropped from her floor angling her body and wings, so that she rode the winds.
She touched down just outside Cheryl’s building. She wasn’t surprise at the scene in front of her. Shocked, yes, but not surprised. Not when she had seen the chaos on the ground as she flew about. People ran in various directions. Nothing more than busy ants, from her point of elevation. There was traffic everywhere. She had also missed some of the fighter jets that patrolled the air. Jopel might have told them not to fire at the people with wings in the sky.
His mistake.

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