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Have you ever had someone close to you die? A friend, a sister, a brother.. maybe even a parent?

It doesn't feel real, at first, does it? It's almost like your brain can't comprehend the concept of them truly being gone, so it takes the easy way out. It tries to convince you that you're just having a nightmare. That when you wake up, they're going to be waiting for you at the breakfast table; maybe eating a bowl of their favourite cereal. They'll be waiting to hear all about why you look so shaken up, then be ready to take your mind off the terrible memory with a good one.

But that isn't the case.

You start to lose the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. The days seem shorter, the nights seem longer & everyday feels like you're inching closer to the edge of a cliff. No matter how hard you dig your heels into the ground, you still feel like something stronger is pushing you with all it's might.

Rachel felt like she was on the very edge of that cliff. About topple over, then free fall into absolute madness. Every bone in her body seemed to ache with an artificial pain. The only real pain, was that of a thousand metaphorical knives driving through the remnants of her pieced together heart.

The makeshift repair was quickly crumbling, shattering once again into twice as many pieces.

While Scott & Stiles were both panic stricken & focused on saving their own lives, Rachel had collapsed on the stone cold floor. She wanted to scream, run.. and brutally murder the alpha. Not only did she have a sister to avenge, but now it took the only person she had left.

Derek was dead.

Dead & gone. Tossed aside like one of the petty humans the alpha had mercilessly slaughtered in days past. Rachel couldn't even begin to wrap her head around the fact that her brother had just been killed right in front of her. All she could seem to visualize were his last few seconds alive, then being thrown aside by that monster.

"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott screamed, slamming himself up against the door to keep it closed.

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles hissed, his usual sarcastic tone gone completely. Of course he didn't have a key - it was doubtful that anyone did, seeing as how they'd used bolt cutters to break the chains that had previously tied the two door handles together.

"Grab something!"

Stiles stared back in awe. "Like what?"


It was then that Rachel swore something in her snapped. Whether it be the thick fog retreating from her mind, or the sudden realization of what she'd dropped before being dragged into the school - she didn't know. But she did know one thing.

The bolt cutters they'd used to break into the school were less than ten feet away, sitting at the bottom of the stone staircase just beyond the metal doors Scott & Stiles were currently struggling to keep shut.

Rachel pushed herself up off the ground, stumbling over to the doors. She squinted her eyes, purposefully avoiding the horrific sight of her brother's lifeless body. In a matter of seconds, she caught sight of the yellow bolt cutters, sitting out in the open as if waiting for her to come & retrieve them.

The alpha was no where in sight, despite it's grand entrance just minutes ago - and that was the green light she needed. Until, the inevitable happened. Scott had predictably followed her gaze to the bolt cutters & easily deciphered the look of determination in her eyes.

His hand curled around her bicep whilst the other held the door shut. "No."

"Yes." The brunette snapped, shrugging him away.

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