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It was a bitter realization that the level of screwed they once were, was beginning to look like heaven compared to the depth of hell they currently resided in. Rachel was infuriated with herself for even thinking that they had the time to confess all of their supernatural secrets to Sheriff Stilinski before Jackson the teenaged lizard found his way to the police station.

Because, they sure as hell didn't.

Whilst Allison had gone home to tell her father of the rising chaos, Rachel had accompanied Stiles & Scott to the police station, in hopes of helping with the supernatural revelations. Ones of which would also clear her name (and Derek's, once his little werewolf secret was out) & justify the burial of Laura on their property. All was great, fine & wonderful; up until they'd arrived to find Jackson, a Sheriff's jacket draped over his shoulders, seated comfortably in an interrogation room beside his father - a fucking lawyer.

A formal restraining order, one of which prohibited them from going within fifty feet of Jackson Whittemore. Not that Rachel had any intentions of catching a movie with him anytime soon, but it would've been useful to be able to speak with him again, in attempt to convince him of the monster he didn't know he was. But seeing as how the deal had been sealed long before they'd even arrived at police station, that option was gone.

Following the official reading of the rules & regulations, the Sheriff had proceeded along with the next step in standard protocol, and seeing as how the trio were all underage; it was to contact their legal guardians. Since Stiles was already seated (un)comfortably beside his, he'd only been left to make two phone calls; one to a very angry Melissa McCall, who'd been forced to leave work to pick up Scott; and one to Rachel's legal guardian. Derek.

It's safe to say the brunette was terrified - and slightly confused of how Sheriff Stilinski had gotten Derek's number - but mostly just terrified. Even more so once she'd seen the look on his face as he arrived at the police station, and proceeded to drag her out to the Camaro with a bone-breaking grip on her wrist. She'd managed to spit a few remarks about how she wasn't a rag doll he could throw around, but fell silent as he (quite literally) threw her in the passenger's seat & slammed the door.

They'd been driving in silence for nearly ten minutes, when Derek finally spoke up. Unlike Rachel's expectation, he hadn't even yelled; his voice was monotone, almost calm. "Are you going to tell me who it is?"

"W-What?" Rachel stuttered out, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

"The Kanima." Derek snapped, not taking his eyes off the road in front of them. "Who is it?"

"Okay, what the fuck?" The reflector hissed, a look of shock forming on her face. "I just got a restraining order filed against me, and that's the only thing you care about? You've reached a new level of low, even for you."

"I don't care about the restraining order!" He deadpanned, turning down the road the warehouse was on. "I care about finding the Kanima before the Argents, and if you'd seen the way Gerard looked at it- you would, too."

"Please, Derek; I care more about Stiles' comic book collection than I do about Gerard's sudden lizard fascination."

"Just tell me who it is, before I-"

"Before you what?" Rachel challenged, cocking her head to the side. She'd heard the hesitation in his voice, and she knew he had nothing. He wouldn't hurt her- because the day he did, he'd lose her forever; and boy, Rachel hoped he knew that. "Before you torture information out of your little sister? If I didn't know any better, I'd swear it was Peter sitting beside me, not you."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it." The alpha stated firmly, slowing to a stop as the vehicle pulled into the garage, hidden by a variety of overgrown brush outside of the doors. "Gerard wasn't afraid of it. He's planning something, I know it; which is why I need to find that thing before he does. Tell me who it is."

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