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"Do you think he'd take a bribe?" Rachel questioned Stiles, glancing over at Coach Finstock, who was currently watching Scott & Allison climbing the fifteen foot, plastic rock wall in the gymnasium.

"Probably." Stiles shrugged, furrowing his brows in confusion after a moment. "Wait, you don't want to climb? I thought you'd jump at the chance to show off."

Rachel huffed in annoyance, glancing around her to ensure everyone was distracted enough not to eavesdrop on her conversation. Once she was sure, she turned back to Stiles, her voice now lowered to a whisper. "I would, but I accidentally reflected Jackson this morning. He almost ran me over with that stupid Porsche. Y'know, I could be driving one of those, too; but Derek won't let me buy one."

"How heartbreaking." Stiles faked a sad voice, placing a hand over his heart. Rachel punched his shoulder, growling in annoyance as per the norm.

In all honesty, it wasn't the reflector dilemma preventing Rachel from climbing the wall. She couldn't have cared less who she reflected; she was Rachel Hale, and she once thought she could do anything. But clearly, after her pathetic fight with Isaac in the police station last night, that wasn't the case. If she couldn't manage to fight a beta, when she had the power of an alpha; how could she do anything anymore? Rachel wasn't going to lie, it definitely hurt her confidence.

But not to the point where she'd openly admit that to Stiles. To everyone else, she was going to play it off as though the fight had gone exactly how she wanted it to. She was merely worried about her image, and how it'd look to be beaten to the top of a rock wall by a nobody. That's why she soon found herself gravitating over towards Coach Finstock, an array of bills hidden in her pocket. Whether it be a ten, twenty or fifty; he was bound to accept one.

"Hey, Coach, is this whole rock wall thing entirely necessary?" Rachel questioned casually, her hands toying with the paper bills in her pockets. "Because I'm not really up for a fifteen foot climb, today."

"It is if you want to pass my classes." Finstock replied, diverting his attention from Scott & Allison momentarily. "Prettier faces than yours have tried, Hale. Don't think you can talk your way out of this. It's mandatory."

"Can I buy my way out?" Rachel raised a brow, pulling a twenty dollar bill out of her pocket & waving it in front of her.




"A hundred?"

"No!" Finstock screeched, glaring daggers at her. "And just for that, you're up next with Greenberg."

"A hundred & fifty?" Rachel whined sadly, her face contorting in disgust as Greenberg smiled & waved at her from the other side of the crowd. No formation of words within the english language (or any language, for that matter) could describe the intense need to vomit that Rachel felt whenever she looked at Greenberg. He was creepier than Matt Daehler, stranger than Stiles, and a downright horrible person. Everyone hated Greenberg, it was an unspoken rule that when you became a student at Beacon Hills High School; you automatically began to hate Greenberg.

"How'd it go?" Stiles questioned as Rachel walked back over beside him, a hint of humour in his tone. He'd heard the entire conversation, everyone had, but for some reason, he felt the need to ask. Which in turn, only annoyed Rachel even more.

"You know exactly how it went." She snapped, her eyes narrowing into slits. "Now, not only do I have to climb the damn wall, but I have to do it while pretending not to be extremely uncomfortable with Greenberg staring at my ass. Why did I choose today to wear yoga pants in gym? Why?"

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