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Rachel never ended up returning to school.

Whether it be due to wallowing in self-pity, (and self-hatred) or procrastinating about telling her brother (yeah, no; that wasn't happening) about the increasingly fatal events she'd become a part of, she wasn't entirely sure; the verdict she'd eventually arrived upon fell into neither category. The reason she'd forced into her brain was that faking the stomach flu would be far better than returning for a detention with Harris. (one of which would likely be multiplied by ten) Rachel knew it was complete and utter bullshit, though. She could lie to Stiles, Scott & Derek; but she couldn't lie to herself.

She wasn't that good.

With decisions came consequences, and those aforementioned consequences came in the form of her poor phone, which was trapped in Harris's desk. For all she knew, it could've been packed into a bag of marijuana. Nobody knew what Harris did in his spare time, and frankly, nobody wanted to. Rachel only cared about her phone, her only source of communication. (besides her supernatural speed & stamina, which allowed her to run pretty much everywhere)

But luckily for her, a saviour by the name of Stiles Stilinski had bravely stolen it back for her. According to him, it'd been a life-threatening ordeal, which translated to; he'd nearly been caught. But in the end, he'd succeeded as per the norm, and gave her the phone before proceeding on to his next idiotic scheme. Rachel hadn't partaken in that, though. Sitting comfortably behind a tombstone, whilst the cemetery was filled with Argents, wasn't exactly her idea of a relaxing afternoon.

Especially when any one of them wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through her head. Particularly, an older man by the name of Gerard (Satan) Argent, who, according to Allison, was her grandfather. That revelation had ended in a large array of swears & keyboard smashes spamming Allison's phone in the middle of the funeral service (which she didn't even want to be at.)

The bricks of stress weighing in her shoulders only grew heavier with the realization that if word got out that something strange was going on with Jackson, he'd be target number one in the eyes of the hunters. Not to mention the medical (and supernatural) mystery by the name of Lydia Martin; who according to Stiles had resurfaced late last night whilst Derek was preventing Scott from getting himself killed, as usual.

She almost wanted to punch herself in the face for completely forgetting about Lydia. One of her best friends had ran naked through the woods for two days, and Rachel somehow managed to forget about it as soon as the strawberry blonde's (ex) boyfriend began looking as though he were decaying. She felt even worse, because not only had Stiles texted her, but he'd also told her in person, yet she still managed to forget.

It was all too much for Rachel to even keep up with, let alone comprehend. In the span of a few weeks, it felt as though she'd lived an entire other life. Her uncle had been revealed as a psychopath & declared war by tearing out the throat of an Argent (but not before he bit Lydia, for some unknown reason likely stemming back to his undying desire for power). Then, Derek had proceeded to kill him & become the alpha; a change which was supposed to shed a desperately needed light upon the town surrounded by darkness.

Rachel had clearly ruined that, though. The light at the end of the tunnel had finally ignited, and lone behold, it'd ended up being a train; one of which smashed through every makeshift patch she'd placed upon her broken world. Things weren't getting better, they were getting worse, and Rachel could only hope that her choice of ignoring the situation would eventually make it go away. Of course, Gerard Argent was another problem to be dealt with, and the battle lines being carved through every road & river. But he was a problem caused by Peter, and therefore didn't inflict guilt upon Rachel.

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