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Rachel was so done with high school. If she never returned to that place, it would still be too soon.

Upon exiting the school, she had found that her brother's lifeless corpse was nowhere to be found. Not by the police, not by anyone. Meaning he was alive - or the alpha was collecting his victims as trophies, but Rachel chose to go with option A. Being that he wasn't lurking in the shadows of their house, not even in the cellar, she figured he'd ran off somewhere even she couldn't think of.

The Hale family had their fair share of hiding places, all of which were used on a regular basis. Rachel had decided against trying to call him. She wanted to give him a day or two, the usual time that was expected for him to fully recover. She'd been taught since birth that when one of then was greatly injured, seeking shelter was priority.

An injured werewolf, especially one with as many enemies as Derek, wouldn't last long out in the open if he wasn't able to fight.

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't moderately angered that he let her believe he was really dead. But she understood. He needed time to heal. Even if she, Scott & Stiles hadn't handled their situation exactly how he would've, Rachel still felt they did a decent job. Everyone escaped relatively unharmed, with the exception of minor emotional trauma. Jackson, Lydia & Allison may end up suffering from a few nightmares, but other than that, Scott did well.

But like any police officer would be awarded a medal for keeping himself & five friends alive in a situation such as theirs; Scott wasn't praised. In fact, Allison dumped him shortly after they'd safely exited the school.

Stiles had yet again been forced to hold back Rachel once the cops arrived, the teen rambling that if they'd gotten their lazy asses there twenty minutes sooner, she & Scott would've avoided severe pain & mental anguish. In the police department's defence, they weren't entirely aware that two supernatural teenagers had nearly slaughtered their friends while under the influence of a psychotic alpha werewolf.

Still, that didn't suppress Rachel's anger. Nevertheless, Stiles had dragged her away whilst Scott got the dreaded breakup talk from Allison. Despite her bitterly human hearing capabilities, Rachel didn't need any supernatural power to tell that Allison was furious. She'd seen through every one of Scott's lies. He'd only sealed the deal when he chose to lock them in the classroom rather than return they key.

Only Rachel knew the truth. Stiles found out later, but the second that roar sounded through the school - she knew Scott wouldn't be able to fight it. Little did the Argent girl know, her boyfriend (now ex) hadn't locked them in the classroom.

He'd locked himself out.

He was protecting them from himself. It surprised Rachel that he was even able to do that. Nobody can resist an alpha - not even her. The one & only reason that they'd survived the night was Stiles. It wouldn't of been her fault, but Rachel would've killed them in a heartbeat. Her anger over Derek's supposed death, combined with Scott pinning three murders on him - it all played into her losing control.

She felt it the minute she started changing. A part of her didn't want to stop - it wanted to keep shifting until it was an unrecognizable monster that could kill everyone without an ounce of remorse, and that was what scared her the most. Derek was the one who always ensured Rachel reflected a human before the full moon had risen. Now she knew why.

Being forced to change was the complete opposite of willing yourself to do it. Even if there was always the curiosity of wanting to push yourself further, you never did it because the risk of losing control was far greater than the reward. Even if Derek couldn't turn himself into an actual wolf like Laura & their mother could, Rachel was fairly certain his abilities were still dangerous beyond restraint. She wasn't going to test them, nor was she going to try Scott's. Rachel was staying away from werewolves on the full moon. She had a feeling that the faint desire to brutally slaughter her friends was only a small taste of the actual urges a werewolf felt under the full moon - and she didn't want to find out.

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