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It seemed that Rachel Hale would never catch a break.

Though the police hadn't released the names of the students "trapped in the high school by alleged killer Derek Hale," the headline had done it's fair share of damage to Rachel's self control. Meaning; if another person approached her about her lunatic brother, she was going to show them who the real family lunatic was. Her.

She'd been receiving death glares & snarky comments all day long, many being suggestions of committing herself to Eichen House before she snapped & went on a killing spree of her own.

In an attempt to keep her brother's whereabouts hidden, - even from her - Rachel didn't try & find him. The endless reminders of the incident ate away at her mind, leading the teen to constantly check her phone for texts. The only one she'd received in days was from a mildly hungover Stiles - and the array of angry messages from both Lydia & Allison, which she'd opted not to open.

But now, avoiding the two girls was inevitable, as she had over half her classes with them. Rachel could only run from her problems for so long, before they had to be faced. And seeing as how the youngest surviving Hale found herself walking along to class with Lydia & Allison, easily integrating into their conversation without hassle; facing her problems had proven to be easier than she'd anticipated.

"It's just weird." Allison shrugged, holding an array of books as they made their way down the hallway. "Everybody's talking about what happened the other night, and nobody knows it was us."

"Thank you for the protection of minors."

Rachel let out a huff, tightening her grip on the strap of her backpack. "Nobody's protecting me from my last name being plastered everywhere & anywhere."

"Maybe because it's shared with a psychotic killer." Lydia deadpanned, not a hint of sympathy for Rachel in her tone. The reflector had greatly considered the idea of ditching the strawberry blonde bitch for Batman & Robin; otherwise known as Scott & Stiles. But she needed to stay in the good books of Allison Argent.

In the event of her discovering her family's occupation of werewolf hunting, Rachel preferred to remain at least a close acquaintance. Maybe if Allison didn't hate her, she'd refrain from shooting an arrow through her head.

Rachel pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes at the ground in front of her. "Rather than assuming my brother was capable of homicide, I'm more open to the very believable explanation that Scott took LSD & hallucinated the entire thing."

While the two bickered quietly, beside them, Allison was deep in thought. In an attempt to avoid an inevitable cat fight from brewing, the girl spoke up. "Guys! Do you think I made the wrong decision?"

"About that jacket with that dress?" Lydia inquired sarcastically. "Absolutely."

"You know what I mean."

"Hello! Scott locked us in a classroom & left us for dead." The strawberry blonde exclaimed, anger laced in her tone. She had a reason to be angry, but the least she could've done was hear the full story. "He's lucky we're not pressing charges or making him pay our therapy bills."

Rachel simply bit her lip, holding back a novel's worth of swears & continued walking to hell; otherwise known as Harris' class.


Within the two minutes it took her to walk to Chemistry, Rachel had come to a bitter conclusion of what she wanted to do with her life.

She wanted to kill Scott McCall.

Whether that decision was influenced by the bimbo who'd shouted, "they should lock you up alongside your psycho brother" as Rachel walked speedily through the halls, the world may never know. But as she took her seat behind Stiles, she was already plotting the murder of Scott McCall.

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