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Rachel was annoyed, as usual.

Scott McCall had yet again failed at one of the simple tasks assigned to him, leaving her to question (for the hundredth time) why she & Derek were still helping him.

"You seriously haven't gotten the necklace yet?" Rachel huffed, leaning against the locker next to Scott. "You've had two classes already. Forty-five minutes each. Do you have any idea how many minutes that is? Ninety. I could've ran the block, argued with my brother and built a castle on Minecraft in those ninety minutes. What did you do? You sat on your ass & learned the history of a spoon."

"I'm trying." The teen wolf snapped, noting that Rachel's cheery mood had diminished greatly since earlier. "I don't see you doing anything."

"That's because I only had classes with Lydia & Stiles." She rolled her eyes, looking around the crowded hall. "All he does it stare at her, and all she does is stare at Jackson. At one point, I strongly considered gouging my eyes out with a pencil."

Even though the aforementioned star player had missed his first class, he didn't go unnoticed when he arrived late to the second. Lydia's attention had instantly darted from Rachel, and straight to her boyfriend. It was expected, but the brunette was still annoyed.

To add to her progressively growing annoyance, Jackass himself almost seemed to appear from out of nowhere. Rachel exhaled loudly, elbowing Scott as Jackson approached them. He turned to Rachel, an almost demented smirk on his face as he obnoxiously asked, "Do you mind?"

"Actually, I mind a lot."

"Too bad."

Rachel scoffed loudly, opting not to fight with him. She could just as easily stand across the hallway & eavesdrop on the conversation, because for the time being, she was a werewolf, courtesy of her brother.

As soon as Jackson thought Rachel was out of earshot, (which she would be, if she wasn't a walking mirror with werewolf abilities) he grinned evilly at Scott. "I know what you are, McCall."

"Wh-What?" Scott stuttered.

"I know what you are." Jackson repeated, this time more confidently.

Across the hall, Rachel didn't know whether to be angry or worried. Part of her wanted to kill Scott for being so careless & almost losing control countless times, but at the same time, another part of her wanted to kill Derek. For being the one to claw Jackson's neck.

She'd accused him of the action last night, after they'd returned home, (for all of five minutes, because Kate was still trying to brutally maim & kill them) and he'd ended up bluntly admitting it. But not without going into defensive mode, of course. "I had no control!" and "I was bleeding profusely from the wolfsbane bullet wound in my arm." were two commonly spoken statements, but neither seemed to comprehend in the reflector's brain as a good enough reason.

Both Derek & Scott were at fault, (more so Scott, though - everything was Scott's fault in Rachel's mind) but with that came another alarming factor. If Jackson knew about Scott, then he most certainly knew about her, if he had any brain whatsoever. Even if the last part was questionable, Rachel couldn't depend on the questionability of Jackson's brain cells to determine whether or not she & Derek were safe.

Back across the hall, Scott was thankful Jackson couldn't hear his heart - because it was beating like a snare drum. How the hell did he manage to figure it out? Rachel had a pretty good idea, but Scott was clueless. The teen wolf, now nearly shaking from the outrageous amount of anxiety, shakily objected the accusations against him. "I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about."

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