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From: Wolverine
Change my contact name.

Rachel smiled at her phone, laughing quietly as she neared the remnants of the Hale house - the place her & her brother had decided to call home for now, unbeknownst to the Beacon Hills police. Both Hales knew it was a safe bet, especially whereas everyone was too scared to even come near the house. Rachel had to admit, her family was rather intimidating.

From: Wolverine
I already know the second beta.

Rachel's eyes widened, wondering how Derek could've possibly figured it out without any assistance. She wasted no time running up the old burned steps of her home, the door already open wide as she ran in.

The brunette was greet by nothing but a spine-chilling silence, the kind she'd grown accustomed to since living with Derek. After Laura returned had returned to Beacon, she'd spent nearly a month living with him. He's practically a ninja, in her books. Not even with a supernatural ability could she hear him creeping around in the shadows, terrifying both children & adults.

To: Wolverine
Where the hell are you?

"Behind you."

Rachel let out a shriek, spinning around to face the blue-eyed devil that was her brother. With a glare etched on her face, a low growl sounded from the back of her throat. "You're an ass."

"How was school?" Derek questioned, ignoring her previous remark.

"Well, let's see. I befriended the school's supposed queen bee, I spent chemistry plotting Harris' murder-" Rachel began to list the day's events, counting them off with her fingers. However, before she could get to anything relatively important or interesting, the aforementioned devilish sibling interrupted.

"I don't actually care."

"Oh? So you don't care that one of my new best friends just so happens to be an Argent?" Rachel stated, nearly laughing at the sudden attention she'd received.

"Are you an idiot?" Derek snapped at her, now fuming. Of all the foolish things his sister could've managed to accomplish on her first day of high school, befriending an Argent was by far, the dumbest.

"Technically I didn't talk to her, it was Lydia. She said they were best friends, after saying we were best friends, so that makes us best friends by default, right?" The brunette tilted her head to the side, thinking momentarily.

"I don't care!" The werewolf growled. For the second time, Rachel had succeeded in pissing off her brother- all in the short span of twelve hours.

To any normal human, their dispute would seem utterly ridiculous. But to anyone who knew the Hales, really knew them, Derek's anger would be understandable. A fun fact about Allison's family is that they're a well respected group of weapon disputers. They sell weapons to law enforcement, as well as they're also avid hunters. A not so fun fact about Allison's family, is that their hunting goes a little far beyond the average deer or rabbit. Their game tends to be more so within the canine species, but again it strays from the normal wolf or coyote. Whether the teen knows it or not, her family is a long time enemy of the Hales - who just so happen to be the very creatures they hunt.


While they couldn't exactly kill without probable cause, that didn't stop them from tracking every & any werewolf in their territory each full moon. Rachel was a lucky exception, being born of werewolves, yet never really becoming one. On the downside, however, her brother wasn't as lucky. If he was seen on a full moon, a hunter would gladly take a shot at the blue-eyed beta.

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