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"Stiles?" Rachel answered her phone, knowing immediately who it was.

She'd left Isaac's house without another word to her brother or Scott, and her current dilemma was that of being on the other side of town. She would've stolen Derek's Camaro, but after she'd done it far too often in the past, he opted to keep they keys with him at all times. While she could steal a car with the keys left in, she couldn't hot wire, nor could she pickpocket.

"One sec." He muttered, pressing a few buttons on his phone. "Okay, you're on group chat with Allison."

"Great," Rachel sighed, running a hand through her hair. It was already dark out, and the amount of time left was ticking away quicker than she would've liked. "Where the hell have you been? I've been texting you like crazy."

"Sorry, Harris literally just let me out of detention. Literally. And he had my phone the whole freaking time!" Stiles huffed on the other end of the line. He knew she was waiting for him, her lack of transportation was explained in an array if explicit texts. All of which Harris had not-so-humorously read aloud.

"Well, we need to do something right now." Allison spoke up, pacing nervously in her room whilst talking on her phone. "They were asking me all these questions about Lydia & how she was bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out."

"I'm assuming by "they" you mean the satanic cult of hunters hiding out in your house." Rachel stated, biting her lip as she continued walking towards the school, Stiles' jeep almost in sight. If he really thought she was going to wait an hour for him, then he was out of his freaking mind. "And by "guy" I'm also going to assume he isn't just one of your dad's drinking buddies."

"He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy."

"They're sending him to the station for Isaac."

"He was also carrying this box with something on it, like, um, like a carving or something." Allison informed, walking over to her desk & flipping through the pages of one of her family's old books. "Hold on, it's in one of these books here. I'm taking a picture."

"Alli, hold up." Rachel cut in, climbing into the passenger seat of Stiles' jeep without notice. By now, he'd grown relatively accustomed to having Rachel (and/or Derek) showing up at random. The Hales had a way of being in the right place at the right time (or vice versa.) "If it's a picture of a tall plant with purple flowers, then we don't need it."


"Wolfsbane." Rachel agreed, pursing her lips into a thin line. In the eyes of a hunter, wolfsbane had only two uses; torment, and homicide. Isaac didn't know the first thing about any of the supernatural, therefore he was useless to them alive. The hunter on his way to the station had only one purpose, and one intention.

"What does that mean?" Allison questioned, confused of why both Stiles & Rachel had gone silent.

"It means they're gonna kill him."


"Do you really think this is going to work?" Rachel questioned, biting her lip nervously. She & Stiles were on their way to the station, their plan beginning to begin playing out.

As they spoke, Allison was in the process of slowing down the hunter sent to kill Isaac, which would give them just enough time to get him out. There were a million ways the plan could go terribly, horribly wrong (all of which were currently playing through the paranoid reflector's head) yet still, Rachel had decided to go with it. She couldn't think of anything better, and she couldn't break a teenage werewolf out of prison all by herself, so it was in her best interest not to criticize the only plan they had.

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