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Finding Scott McCall had proven to be a lot more challenging when in the company of Stiles Stilinski.

Rather than running through the woods, Rachel found herself slouching in the passenger seat of Stiles' jeep, whilst the boy drove aimlessly through the back wooded roads of Beacon Hills. Until an ambulance came into view - which Stiles had to stop for. The blaring lights, combined with paramedics wheeling a dreaded black bodybag into the vehicle had stricken fear within him. What if it was his father's lifeless corpse being taken away?

Luckily for him - it wasn't.

Wanting to avoid as much of the happy family reunion, Rachel had stayed in the car during the father-son reunion. Having not known much of her father, and the gruesome tale of her family's demise still lingering within her mind, she wasn't particularly fond of happy family moments. Most would call her jealous - but deep down, the real emotion Rachel chose to bury, was envy.

That is, until something wicked pulled up at the scene of the crime. None other than the Argents (Derek's old booty call to be exact, accompanied by Father Crossbow, aka her brother Chris) had decided to do what they do best, and creepily stalk the law enforcement. She'd instantly ducked below the dashboard, peeking out every few seconds to see if they'd caught her. But for once, it wasn't the Hale girl they had an eye on - no, it was Stiles.

Rachel didn't need supernatural powers to see the way they looked at him. It was the same way they looked at her, and the same way they looked at her brother. Like prey.

It was then that she'd proceeded to honk the horn of his jeep repeatedly, as if a car alarm had been set off, in order to lure him back without being spotted by Sheriff Stilinski or the Argents. Living up to her mystique Hale nature, she didn't give Stiles an explanation for her persistence. Her only demand was that they leave - as fast as possible.

Hours later, her not-so-dead brother had emerged from the shadows yet again, this time to deliver a very human Scott McCall. Rachel wasn't even going to ask where he found him or what he did, because part of her was fairly certain knowing would be more worrisome than not knowing.

The usual family reunion had gone down; Rachel hugged Derek, and of course he didn't hug back. Which in turn, led to a minor sibling argument until that was interrupted. Surprisingly, the interruption was neither Scott nor Stiles - it was a police siren loudening by the second. Apparently someone had tipped off the police that alleged killer Derek Hale was lurking around his former crime scene - the high school.

Without even considering how supernatural it would look, Derek had sprinted away; leaving the simple instructions of "distract them." With those words, Rachel had snagged the keys to his Camaro, barely giving Scott & Stiles enough time to climb in.

That about summed up how she'd gotten into her first ever car chase - and she was the getaway driver, making it even worse. Rachel rarely drove her brother's car, but she'd seen him do it enough to know how. Whilst various instructions flooded her mind, one in particular stayed afloat; pedal to the floor.

And that's what she did.

Both Scott & Stiles jolted back, the spastic boy shrieking girlishly. Neither had time to put on a seat belt, but in their current situation; that was the least of their worries. Kate Argent was closely trailing behind them, thinking she was on the verge of catching Derek. If she found Rachel in his place; the reflector would be well beyond six feet under.

"Slow down!" Scott yelled at her from the passengers seat. "You're gonna kill us!"

"If I go any slower, she's gonna kill us." Rachel hissed, adjusting the mirror so she could clearly see the homicidal blonde piloting the car behind her.

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