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Rachel Hale wasn't particularly fond of her life.

For starters, there wasn't exactly much to draw pleasure from. Being a daughter of the famous Talia Hale, she grew up surrounded by the supernatural; most often, surrounded by her werewolf siblings. This wouldn't have been a problem, had she been blessed with their curse. But due to what everyone she'd ever met could only manage to describe as a "glitch" in the supernatural, Rachel never became a werewolf like her family members.

Some children of wolves were born human; some, twins, were born with just a hint of supernatural. But not Rachel— not the walking glitch, the enigma no one could ever seem to decode. To everyone's shock, despite her lack of canine traits, the young Hale still attained some remarkable abilities. Abilities that were, albeit astonishing, not particularly easy to manage. Especially when Rachel could barely stand the thought of them anymore without her family by her side.

To those who don't know— which is absolutely no one, in the town of Beacon Hills, Rachel's family died. No, scratch that. They were murdered. Killed in cold blood for a crime they did not commit, a crime Rachel's mother spent her entire life teaching her never to commit. Their family home was set ablaze, whilst Derek, Laura & Rachel were at school, leaving the three to find the horrendous remains upon returning later than initially anticipate.

The trio of survivors had left shortly after, without so much as giving a statement to the police on the tragedy they returned home to. Rachel vowed never to return, while Laura, the oldest of the group, was pulled back by clue regarding the fire. Rachel didn't care— she knew who committed the fire, all the surviving Hale family members knew, and only Laura cared enough to continue seeking justice. Yet, despite not wanting anything to do with her hometown, Rachel found herself following Derek along when he'd insisted they needed to check up on Laura— who'd been in Beacon Hills for more than a week & hadn't contacted them once. Rachel was less than pleased, to say the least.

She wanted to get as far away from the Hell that is Beacon, as possible. Rachel loved Laura, she was her older sister— but returning to Beacon Hills was a death sentence. The minute Laura crossed the town border she wordlessly begged the hunters to set her ablaze with the rest of her family. Rachel didn't want a reminder, she didn't want to be in the same state that her family had died in, let alone the same town. She didn't want to be on the North American continent. Hell, she didn't even want to be on Earth— Rachel would have moved to Mars if it were an option. No distance was too far to travel from the skeletons of her past.

But Derek was adamant.

They had to go to Beacon Hills, and they had to find Laura. He was so sure something was wrong, and to Rachel's dismay, he couldn't have been more right. Both Derek & Rachel had identified the dead body found by police as their sister Laura, neither sibling able to shed tears. They just stared blankly, answering questions when asked & only speaking to each other when absolutely necessary. They were both deeply saddened by the loss, but neither could bring themselves to show it. Derek, for obvious reasons, and Rachel, because she'd sealed out all emotion after discovering the charred remains of the only people who ever loved her.

Now, two days & a whole boat load of idiocy from the useless police department later, in her current haze of "I'm completely fucking done with everything" and intense annoyance, Rachel was searching the woods with Derek in hopes of finding the other half of Laura's body.

Yes, the other half.

The killer had taken the liberty of chopping her in half - actually, quite violently, ripping - and scattering the two pieces. What twisted psychopath had thought of the idea, she didn't know, but Rachel could only hope they decided to take a midnight stroll through the woods unarmed, because she'd have a bloody field day. She & her brother had set out on a mission to find the other half of Laura before the police so they could perform a proper burial beneath a spiral of wolfsbane, but Rachel wouldn't mind setting that task on the back burner if she encountered the monster responsible for this heinous crime. She had already prepared the grave, to save her brother the struggle of handling wolfsbane; Derek could look for the body on his own if she got sidetracked. As if Derek would actually let her go off on her own.

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