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"Is this entirely necessary?"

If the description of Rachel's current mental state was limited to one word, out of the billion in the english language, it was by far, annoyed. Scratch that, her state of mind was always annoyed when she was in the company of her brother. However, her agitation in this very moment was a special grade, due to yet another one of Derek's idiotic plans he chose to hide from her.

A third beta.

All along, Rachel had though she was the third beta; but clearly, that'd all been one big load of bullshit. He'd had his sights set one someone a little more cut out for the job; an outcast by the name of Boyd, who sat in the back of Rachel's literature class. She'd be lying if she said it surprised her, he even looked like a werewolf. He had to be over six feet tall, and he was freaking built.

But physical appearance didn't matter, in her mind. What really mattered to her, was strength, stamina & power; and she had it all. Rachel could be anything, even an alpha, she was the ultimate weapon & still, Derek had made it clear that she obviously wasn't enough. She knew it was a little arrogant, but she was beginning to believe he had forgotten how powerful she really was. Derek might have been the alpha, but Rachel was the reflector; and she could take down an alpha, any day. It didn't matter how many betas he had, because in the end, none of them would ever be worth more than her.

"Don't you think you're being a little too harsh?" Rachel questioned, glancing over at Isaac on the ground. For the past twenty minutes, Derek had been attempting (and failing miserably) at teaching the betas a few fighting skills. To his disappointment, it became clear in the first five seconds than none of them have ever fought a relatively decent opponent in their lives.

"They need to learn how to fight." Derek snapped, fighting off Isaac (who'd managed to get back up for the third time) once again.

"Them? Oh, I wasn't talking about them. You're being harsh on me!" Rachel shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air. "I was perfectly fine with one, hell; I was even okay with two. But three? Derek, this place is turning into a dog pound."

"Ouch." Erica laughed, jokingly placing a hand over her heart.

"I'm being serious." The brunette hissed, walking over into the middle of the fight before either werewolf had a chance to hit each other again. "Stop throwing Isaac & listen to me, dammit!"

"I don't have time!" Derek yelled, pushing her out of the way & going back at his beta, once more. The fight ended as quick as it had begun, the results identical to that of each time before. "Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?"

As for what happened next, Rachel really didn't want to relive it. She swore, if she had 't of turned away when she did, she likely would've thrown up her lunch. Going along with Derek's previous request, and doing something completely unpredictable. (or, completely predictable, if you knew the new & improved version of Erica like Rachel did) The blonde ran forward, as if seemingly going for a cliché form of attack, before jumping up & wrapping her legs around Derek's torso, then proceeding to kiss him as passionately as humanly possible.

The real shocker, was the amount of time it took him to push her off. Rachel had turned away within the first 0.5 seconds, her face scrunching up in disgust almost instantaneously. As much as she wanted to say it surprised her; it didn't. Erica had become a grade A slut in the two days she'd been a werewolf for, and it was becoming rather nauseating for Rachel. She'd already seen Erica practically throwing herself on three different guys in the high school hallways, and now Derek? It was sickening. Rachel was pretty sure she'd even heard Boyd laughing at her (and her array of facial expressions), but she'd chosen not to acknowledge it in her state of disgust.

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