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Three weeks later.

"Hey, Jackass! The last of your shit's finally here, where do you want it?" Rachel yelled across the apartment, a large box in her arms. She could barely see over the top of it & had almost run into approximately three different walls on her way from the door to the spare room, where Jackson had been storing boxes as they arrived from Beacon Hills. It was meant to be an office of sorts, but the teen had denied ever having use for an office, and chose to fill the room with boxes of everything shipped from his old home in Beacon to his new place in London, England.

The boxes had been showing up at random times, mostly throughout the week though one had arrived at midnight; Rachel chose not to question it. Express delivery was something she'd never come to know, as her only possessions were able to fit within a single suitcase (or backpack if necessary, but she preferred the suitcase after meeting Lydia & her shopping obsession). As much as she'd been expecting Jackson to only have a select few of outrageously expensive items, he'd ended up having over ten boxes packed full; all of which had gotten split up along the way.

The first three to arrive had consisted of his closet; the next four being lacrosse junk, kitchen junk. video game junk & random junk from his room. The two that followed had been smaller furniture, lamps & such; whilst the last, the one Jackson had repeatedly told her was not coming, was one he suspected to be from his parents. She could tell he was hoping for an expensive gift, but Rachel had a theory of her own— she had yet to discover anything family related, and she hoped to hell this last box would be loaded with photos she'd be able to spend her last few days in London making fun of.

To ensure Jackson would go about his werewolf life in another country safely & without harming anyone on his first full moon as an actual werewolf, Rachel had persuaded Derek to let her go with Jackson for the summer. Er, half the summer, that is. One month in London— no Beacon Hills drama, no Allison & Scott relationship drama & most definitely no Kanima drama. She hoped. The full moon had been yesterday, and with Derek's instructions (he'd explained to the beta multiple times how to refrain from killing anyone; but Rachel had insisted on going, regardless of how clear Derek had been) Jackson had been completely fine. The only time he'd seemed even remotely mad was when she turned off the football game to watch Pretty Little Liars, but he'd gotten used to it. He wouldn't admit it, but the show wasn't seeming as horrible as it had when he'd first watched it— unwillingly, of course.

Her days in London had been surprisingly well. Though they were most often spent with Jackass Whittemore fighting over what to watch on television or the fact that neither of them knew how to cook (Jackson was accustomed to the rich life, whilst Rachel lived off cereal, Doritos & store bought subs), they were far better than anything Beacon Hills had to offer, or so she'd been told by Stiles. According to him, as soon as she & Jackson had left, it reverted to it's usual eerie calm. He & Scott practiced lacrosse almost daily; Scott whined about not being able to contact Allison & Derek ignored them. The usual.

Rachel texted Stiles almost every day. They never talked about much & their conversations frequently consisted of merely one-word messages, but it was something to do; something other than sitting & waiting for something to happen. Derek texted once per week, like clockwork, with the same message "still fine." If she chose to respond, he would always read it within minutes, but never reply. It didn't bother her— he'd always been that way, and she knew it was better not to push him to change.

She had yet to talk to Isaac since leaving. The day she left, he'd been busy with Derek & presumably Peter as well— she'd talked to him on the phone for a minute at the airport, where he'd said a quick goodbye & assured her all was fine, and that Derek simply wanted help with fixing something at the house. Rachel knew it was complete & utter bullshit, but as they'd announced that her & Jackson's flight was boarding, she chose to end it on a good note with a simply goodbye before hanging up. They'd agreed to talk again later; whether it be by phone call or text, neither cared. She knew something was important to keep them there; but she also trusted that if it was serious enough, they'd tell her.

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