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For minutes following the not-so-surprising revelation of Rachel's remaining sanity level, she'd been searching for a way to ditch Isaac. It's not that she didn't want to stand out in the woods, with various flies buzzing round her head, chatting about random things with him-- actually, that's exactly it. Maybe if the flies weren't there, she could've tolerated him- but not with a freaking swarm surrounding her, more than likely due to the flowery perfume she insisted on wearing.

Although (not so) luckily for her, just as she was about to retrieve the blow torch from the garage to take care of the flies, a high pitched scream cut through the placid afternoon air like a knife. Rachel's initial hope was that it'd been Derek, (for the simple fact that she never heard him actually scream before, and she'd more than likely die of laughter then & there) but after a moment of consideration she'd easily realized there was absolutely no possibility of that.

Needless to say, she'd rushed into the warehouse to find Erica convulsing as though she was having a seizure, along with Stiles, Scott & Derek trying to hold her steady. A part of Rachel didn't even want to know what had happened, yet she still found herself questioning each & every event that led up to it as she assisted in holding the blonde still.

Apparently the Kanima (Jackass Whittemore) had decided to make a guest appearance in detention, (which everyone except Rachel & Isaac had been in, courtesy of Scott beating the shit out of Jackson, who got a little too close to Allison in the locker room. It was a seemingly never ending series of very unfortunate, and very confusing events) not only to wreak havoc, but to deliver a threat from it's controller. Following that revelation, Rachel was almost glad to have spent the first half of her day arguing with Derek & tolerating an extraordinarily annoying teen wolf. Especially whereas Kanima venom burned her like acid, and she did not want to relive that experience.

But regardless of that; Erica was still the topic of interest. Derek had ended up breaking the blonde's arm in order to trigger the healing process, then proceeded to drain the Kanima venom out. As much as Rachel liked seeing Erica in pain; she had to admit, she did feel a tad bit of sympathy for the blonde. Not enough to ask if she was alright, once she awoke, (Rachel couldn't allow Erica to know she actually gave a shit about her, or any of Derek's pack) though.

It was a very eventful day, to say the least; and Rachel hadn't even been there for the particularly supernatural events. In fact, she was so completely & utterly done with the Kanima & it's master; she'd gone up to her room shortly after Stiles left the warehouse, leaving the strict instructions "wake me when you've got a plan that won't get us all killed" for Derek to follow.

As usual, he ignored her.

Never failing to live up to expectations, Derek had awoken her at six a.m for school. But just because he woke her, didn't mean Rachel got off the outrageously uncomfortable makeshift bed. The fold-out couch with an old mattress thrown on top was her last choice, but it was either that; or a booth in the train car. At least this way, she had her own room upstairs: far away from both Derek & Isaac.

After the first few nights, she figured out a way to pile all the blankets beneath her to avoid having a broken spring stab her in the middle of the night- and while the scent wasn't the best, the old ratty quilt became surprisingly comfortable after laying on them for ten hours straight. The only downside was how cold the room got at night- and laying on top of the only blankets she had didn't help very much. Still, Rachel was certain she had the best sleeping arrangement in the building.

Still, the fact that Rachel was comfortable for the first time in forever wasn't going to stop Derek from dragging her off the ratty old mattress by her ankles, nor was it going to stop her from kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. If he expected her to help them prevent a homicidal reptilian teenager from murdering the entire town, she needed her beauty sleep- and Rachel was positive she looked anything but beautiful with hair like a rat's nest, and darkness underlining her eyes.

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