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Rachel was fairly confident she was going to die in high school. Quite literally.

Not only had they just ran for their lives, but much to Rachel's dismay, when she threw herself at the door - it didn't open. Instead, it stayed exactly where it was, and emitted a loud bang as her head hit it.

"What the hell?" She muttered, rubbing the red spot now forming on her forehead.

Scott continued to push at the door, finally managing to open it enough to peek outside. "It's a dumpster."

"He pushed it in front of the door to block us in." Stiles deadpanned, now attempting to forcefully open the door on his own. "Come on, help me!"

"Stop!" Scott hissed, whilst Rachel simply wrapped her arms around Stiles & dragged him away. Not only was he making an outrageous amount of noise, but he looked pathetic. If two werewolves couldn't open it, how could he?

"I'm not dying in here." Stiles stated shaking free of Rachel's hold & speed walking alongside her. "I'm not dying at school."

"Now I see why Laura homeschooled me." The brunette grumbled, tucking her hands in her pockets. Rachel already hated public school - tonight was just the icing on the cake. She still wasn't sure what possessed Scott to call the alpha to the high school, of all places. It was dangerous enough in the day, but in the dark? Let's just say Beacon Hills certainly wasn't going to be starting night school classes anytime soon.

"We're not going to die."

"God, what is he doing?" Stiles whined, unsure of which friend to ask specifically. "What does he want?"

"Me!" Scott deadpanned, but before he could continue, Rachel interrupted.

"And probably me too." She muttered, remembering something her mother had once told her. Having a reflector is like having two alphas. If Rachel were to join the alpha's pack - he'd be twice as strong, providing he could teach her how to use her abilities to their fullest potential. She didn't want to find out. "Wolves are stronger in packs."

"Oh great." Stiles huffed, throwing his hands in the air. "A psychotic werewolf who's into team work. That's- that's beautiful."

"Indeed it-" Rachel stopped abruptly, movement from her peripheral vision catching her attention. The brunette froze in place, slowly turning her head to fully see the monster.

It was standing on the roof across from them, it's crimson eyes the most distinct feature. As soon as Scott & Stiles realized what'd caught her attention, they both turned & bolted back in the direction they initially came from. Rachel followed closely behind, easily catching up as the sound of glass shattering prompted her to push her already sore muscles even harder. She could handle a little pain if it meant not getting her throat ripped out by a psychotic alpha werewolf.

They slammed through the stairwell doors, easily skipping steps over the two small staircases. Rachel barely even managed to breathe as she forced herself to continue running for her life. She pushed through the downstairs set of doors, chasing after Scott & Stiles with the alpha close behind her.

Everything was a blur of hallways & closed doors from then on, but one thing was for certain; the chances of them surviving the night, were slimming by the second.


Rachel had finally managed to catch up with Scott & Stiles by the time they reached the basement. Her back pressed against an old rusty locker, whilst she fought to slow her rapid breathing & heart rate.

The alpha was just a corner away from them, stalking it's way closer. Rachel could hear it's heart, along with hers, Scott's & Stiles'. The tapping of claws against the floor never ceased, but still she let out a quiet breath of relief as they slowed to a stop. She wasn't entirely sure of why it stopped; it knew they were there, but yet it wasn't taking the chance to corner them & kill Stiles.

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