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"Rachel, what did you do?"

The voice echoed loudly through the warehouse, instantly being recognized by all occupants of the building. Without even turning around, Rachel knew it was Derek. No one else could manage to perfect the exact tone he used when saying her name in that manner, which was happened to be one loaded with annoyance, a hint of anger, and a whole lot of what-the-fuck. Another fact she knew, was that his reaction could've only been caused by one thing. And she was guessing that one thing came in the form of a beta werewolf, who she'd left downstairs in the railroad car in order to go & get her phone charger.

Rachel's guess was confirmed, as she walked out into the open, seeing Isaac the exact way she'd left him five minutes ago; sitting casually in one of the booth seats, with his feet kicked up on the row in front of him. She had to admit, it was far better than him awkwardly hiding in the shadows (which was basically all he seemed to do.)

"If you're referring to that-" Rachel paused, waving at Isaac through the dirt-covered train window. "-I'm actually quite proud of that."

"I left for thirty minutes." Derek grumbled, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Speaking of those thirty minutes... Did you do it?" The brunette bit her lip, raising a brow. She knew he had; she could hear Erica (or at least, she hoped it was Erica) walking in behind Derek.

The blonde looked the same as she had in gym class, her was hair still frizzy & she still wore the same baggy clothes. The only difference, was that the acne on her face had healed up, leaving her with a clear complexion like Rachel. The brunette grinned widely, running over & hugging Derek. "I love you, I love you; and I forgive you for everything. We're still harbouring a fugitive werewolf, but I forgive you. You're not that bad of a brother, after all."

"Don't get used to it." He stated bluntly, the brunette rolling her eyes. She knew he hated hugs; she did too, but this was an exception. "You can let go, now."

The brunette pulled away, narrowing her eyes at him in annoyance. She couldn't help loving the only family member she had left, but there were often times she seriously wanted to hit him with a train. This, was one of those times. However, the clock was ticking, and Rachel knew Erica was in desperate need of a serious pep-talk & makeover. She wanted to make it back by lunch, so she could show off her handiwork to Scott & Stiles, both of whom would likely want to kill her after this.

Rachel couldn't blame them. One minute, she was completely against Derek biting random teenagers, then the next, she's the one suggesting candidates. She still couldn't figure out how her opinion had changed so much in the matter of twelve hours, but something about seeing someone suffering & knowing she could do something to change it; she had to. Both Isaac & Erica had been suffering for years, and Derek fixed it all in a few minutes. Sure, Gerard & the rest of the Argents were still out for blood, but they couldn't take down an entire pack. The numbers were increasing, and the odds were quickly changing; maybe, Derek wasn't as dumb as Rachel thought.

At the rate he was recruiting new betas, Gerard & his army of murderers would never be able to keep up. After all, they didn't even know where the supernaturals had chosen to hide. They had an advantage, and Derek was sure as hell using it. Rachel didn't blame him, either. He was figuring out a way to survive, and he was helping people in the process.

"Hey, Erica; do you have any other clothes to change into?" Rachel questioned, finally noticing the blonde still had on her gym clothes. "I can't let you go back to school looking like that."

"I didn't get a chance to grab my bag." Erica shrugged, careless of her outfit. It wasn't like anyone was going to notice her; she didn't look any different. The real shock would come next week, in gym class; when she made it up the rock wall without seizing.

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