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Another day, another time in which Rachel Hale was weighing out the pros & cons of killing her brother.

After a gruelling day of having her face slammed into a stone wall various times for bitching out the police department, along with only being released due to lack of evidence; Derek had done the absolute worst possible thing.

He made her go to school.

Needless to say, on a one to ten scale, Rachel's day had already hit a minus twenty-eight by 10am. The day had gone by semi-smoothly, with the exception of Satan [also known as Mr. Adrian Harris] decided to give her a pile of extra work she'd supposedly missed on her one day of absence.

To add to that, somehow the degenerate high schoolers had managed to hear of not only Derek's arrest, but Rachel's as well. That made for an array of snide comments, to which she would often ignore or reply with a threat of "Yeah, I was arrested. I'll happily be arrested again, too, if it means getting the satisfaction of killing you." Knowing full well that she'd indeed been initially charged with accessory to murder [her brother being charged as the actual murderer], they stopped talking relatively quick.

Now, with the bell finally allowing her a half hour of freedom; Rachel was walking along with Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Danny & a few other lacrosse players she hadn't yet learned the names of.

"Where are we sitting?" Rachel questioned, glancing around the cafeteria at the various empty tables. Everyone had their cliques, whether it be the crowd of girls attempting to become the next Lydia Martin, or the reeking freshmen boys who didn't know deodorant existed. Then of course, there were two lonely sophomores that quickly caught Rachel's eye.

A small smile began to form on her face, only widening more as Lydia pointed to the exact table she'd been staring down. The one occupied by the newly bitten beta & his outrageously spastic best friend. Rachel followed along with her group, snagging a chair from a table along the way & purposely pushing it between Scott & Stiles. She climbed over the back, jumping onto the floor & falling back in the chair.

"Figure what out?" She raised a brow, looking over Stiles' shoulder as the rest of the group sat down around the table.

"Just, uh- homework." Scott stuttered, attempting to cover up their previous conversation though Rachel had heard it all.

Before leaving the passenger seat of her brother's Camaro, she'd not-so-accidentally stared directly into his eyes, mirroring the icy blue as she'd done days ago. In the process, she'd also acquired a few of the useful abilities that accompany it.

They'd been discussing the fact that she & her brother had "all the answers". Scott was indeed right, Derek had been in full control under the full moon- just as he always was.

But control wasn't the only thing that Scott wanted. He wanted to know if he'd been the one to brutally maim the bus driver, Garrison Meyers - another question that Rachel had the answer to.

Scott hadn't been the only one out for a midnight stroll last night.

Rachel couldn't even begin to bring the bloody massacre back to the front of her mind, especially not when she was attempting to eat lunch. The mere thought made her nauseous.

Whilst Rachel had been thinking, Stiles had also been doing the same. Starting with the burning question of why the hell was Rachel Hale sitting with them? To add to his confusion, Lydia had taken a seat on the other side of him, along with Brian - a lacrosse player, Danny & Allison. Where there was Lydia, there was also the cold-hearted bastard known as Jackson Whittemore close by. Not a minute later, the lacrosse team captain was by his girlfriend's side, insisting that Brian move.

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