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"So you're a walking mirror?"

"Yes, I'm a walking mirror."

Rachel had nearly gone out of her mind attempting to explain the concept of a reflector to Isaac, without an actual demonstration. For the first two hours, she swore she'd explained it six different times, each with an in-depth summary of everything she knew about how & why it was what she became. Each summary had been followed by a "could you explain that again?" which was responded to by a look that got more homicidal each time she was forced to repeat her explanation.

It was only when she'd used the wonderful comparison made by Stiles weeks ago, that the scattered puzzle pieces connected together, to form the very clear picture of exactly what she was. A walking, supernatural mirror.

"Hold on," Isaac muttered, staring at her in confusion. Rachel sighed loudly, leaning back in her chair once more; she swore if he asked her to explain it again, she was going to kill him. It didn't matter what she was; she was still a hundred & fifteen pounds of pure rage. "How did you become a reflector?"

"Like I said; I don't know." Rachel stated, pursing her lips. She'd never found out, and she never wanted to; not unless the explanation provided her with a way to fix it. "And I've accepted that I never will. "

"You're still curious though, aren't you? I mean, I would be." Isaac shrugged, unsure of how else to respond. It was evident that she wanted to know more, but with the knowledge of the Hale fire, he knew her resources were extremely limited.

"You really need to learn when to stop talking."

"I happen to like the sound of my voice, thank you."

"Could you stop being a narcissistic asshole for five seconds?." Rachel huffed in annoyance. She'd had about enough of oversized egos for one day, and the teen wolf in front of her wasn't helping. "It was attractive at first, but now it's just exasperating."

"That's a tad hypocritical, don't you think?" Isaac questioned, raising a brow. Rachel had been the one who'd originally suggested a change of attitude, and she'd been the one walking around like she owned the town setting an example.

"Please. If you'd met me a day sooner, you wouldn't recognize the girl sitting here now." She sighed, taking into account all the shitty things she'd done in the past week. Isaac certainly wasn't wrong about her being a hypocrite in some ways; but not all. "I mean, I'd probably still have a few broken bones & some blood on my face, but I wasn't walking around like Lydia Martin two-point-oh."

"Care to explain?"

"Not really."

"Well, from what I understood about your abilities; you're gonna need my help once you heal enough to use them." He stated, earning a questionable nod in response. "And for all we know, that could take hours. Extremely boring hours. So if you want me to stay & wait it out, start talking."

"I-" Rachel began, but abruptly stopped. She froze still, feeling as though someone (better, something) was tracing a claw across the back of her neck lightly. Her head quickly snapped to the side, glancing behind her worriedly. She was met with the sight of an empty room, instantly sparking a new suspicion in her mind. "We don't have time."

"What do you mean?" Isaac asked, staring at her in confusion. "What just happened?"

"Did Derek ever tell you about the connection between a pack?" Rachel questioned, leaning forward & slowly lowering her foot to the floor. The teen wolf shook his head, about to ask another question when she spoke again. "There's a reason you hear your alpha over anyone else. It's a bond stronger than family, one that can only be broken by death-"

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