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Rachel couldn't hate Stiles.

As much as every part of her wanted to, the few times (the very few times) when he did something right, prevented it. One of those times happened to be the present, a time that Stiles has chosen to have a remarkably good idea.

Being the son of the sheriff came with many perks. Many. One of which being, that he had elite access to any & every file in the station; providing he could "borrow" his father's keys without being caught. Stiles did that a lot.

His elite access to all case files & evidence not only made it easier to cover up the "disturbance" reports of an oddly animalistic teenage boy wandering on the roof of the Argent household, (Rachel was fairly certain Greenberg had been the one to call the cops on that) but it also gave him some incredible information that could easily be utilized within the art of blackmail. With those valuable facts on the table, Rachel was fairly certain who Stiles' tech savvy friend at mind was.

Rachel, herself, was fairly good with technology. Being technically on the run with her brother & sister for six years had taught her a variety of skills unknown to most. Not that she could trace a text or anything, but she wasn't unfamiliar with hacking into security cameras & deleting footage that may or may not have been of her metallic silver eyes, or one of her brother's temper tantrums, (as she so kindly chose to call them) when he'd opt to use violence to get what he wanted from someone.

Whether that be a fake ID for Rachel (and himself & Laura when they'd first left) or extra pizza toppings; it depended on the day.

But now in their time of need, violence wasn't a technique the fragile, spastic teenage boy had opted for. Instead, he'd gone with something far more familiar to him; lying & deception. In this case, the lying was done to his clueless lab partner, Danny (however the hell you spell his last name.)

Stiles had oh-so-innocently requested that they work on an assignment for Satan's class, otherwise known as Chemistry, taught by the aforementioned Adrian Harris. Of course Danny couldn't object to that; it was just school work, right?

As stated before; clueless.

That is, until Stiles had speedily rambled off a horribly improvised reason on why he so desperately needed the sender's number identified on an anonymous text.

Just listening to him inflicted an immense amount of mental pain on Rachel, which soon turned physical as a headache began pounding in the back of her skull. That was when the girl had finally cut in with, "Someone's trying to go all Season 2 Mona Vanderwaal on us & we need to find out who."

No one aside from Rachel (and Derek, who'd been forced to endure the piercing shrieks & minor tears after she'd finished watching the season) understood the reference, leaving Stiles to yet again repeat his spiel.

Still, Danny didn't understand a word. "You want me to do what?"

"Trace a text." Stiles deadpanned, finally getting to the direct point. Rachel almost applauded him for actually speaking an understandable answer, but held back to avoid the inevitable glare she'd receive.

"I came here to do lab work." Danny looked at him with disapproval, taking a notebook from his bag & opening it on the table. "That's what lab partners do."

"And we will." Stiles nodded along, before adding on. "Once you trace the text."

"And what makes you think I know how?" The boy raised a brow, still adamant on abandoning the subject.

That was when Rachel finally got up from her laid-back seat on Stiles' bed & walked over, grinning widely. As usual, her smile was far from geniune. It was the kind you'd give someone whilst blackmailing them, baring resemblance to the semi-sadistic smile you'd give the head cheerleader after stealing her boyfriend.

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