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High school dances were lame.

At least, they were in Rachel's opinion. Getting all dressed up, just to impress a bunch of people you're probably never going to see again once you graduate.. It was pointless. But with defences falling & people dropping like flies, Rachel was starting to reconsider whether or not she'd live long enough to graduate.

She'd made it to the dance with hardly even a second to spare, (thanks to Scott, who she was sure didn't surpass 30km/hour on their drive to the school) which had resulted in her pathetic attempt of running into the school before they stopped accepting tickets.

Luckily, (or unluckily, for those elite teens with a strong hatred of crowded spaces) she made it just in time. Her usual inhuman speed had been decreased due to the outrageously uncomfortable high heels she'd grabbed from a shelf on the way out of Macy's. It was the heels, her boots or a ratty old pair of sneakers from Scott.

Knowing she'd be slaughtered by a certain strawberry blonde if she made the wrong choice, she threw her pride out the window & put on the heels. But now, with the inability to walk faster than a turtle, Rachel was strongly regretting her decision.

The brunette sat down at one of the few tables throughout the gymnasium, forcing a weak smile on her face as she turned to face Lydia. She'd just gone & gotten them some of the punch, which sadly for her, wasn't alcoholic. As much as her last experience with intoxication didn't go over too well, anything would be better than the crowded gymnasium.

Unlike most schools, the administrators of Beacon Hills high, hadn't gotten the cliché DJ & stereo system. Instead, to worsen her mood, a band was playing. Rachel had nothing against bands, or hearing music live, but she preferred something a little more mechanical than a classic guitar. Her preference of music rarely had lyrics, and if it did; they were relatively inaudible over the deafening beat.

"So, is tonight everything you imagined it'd be?" Rachel mused, taking a sip of her drink. She wasn't entirely sure of what it was, but the array of fruity flavours led her to believe it was fruit punch.

She may as well have been at a kids' party.

"Everything & more." Lydia rolled her eyes, her voice laced in sarcasm. Whilst she managed to answer questions with a decent level of attentiveness, it was evident by the distant look in her eyes that Lydia was focused on something else. "Have you seen Jackson?"

"Last I saw, he was trying to spike the punch." Rachel laughed softly, setting the half-empty cup on the table behind her. "Guess he decided to keep it all for himself."

"Do you mind if I.." Lydia trailed off, hinting that she wanted to go & search for him. No matter how angry she seemed, Rachel knew Lydia loved Jackson - and even if his ego wouldn't allow him to admit it, he loved her too.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Go."

The strawberry blonde smiled, before walking off into the crowd of teenagers. She disappeared quickly, leaving a bored & paranoid Rachel to drown her sorrows in shitty punch & music that wasn't nearly as loud as it should have been.

Dull coloured lights flashed throughout the gym, creating a party-like atmosphere that almost masked the fact that they were still in a school. Almost. Rachel could easily tell by the distinctive stench of sweat, combined with tears, lingering throughout the air that it was indeed nothing more than a petty high school gym, fancied up with a twenty-dollar disco ball & streamers.

The school may have advertised it as a formal, but to her; a dance was a dance.

As for her paranoia, it never ceased to eat away at her attention. Stiles was nowhere in sight, nor was Scott or Allison, and she'd just let Lydia stray away. Her plan to keep an eye on everyone was seriously falling to pieces. For all she knew, Scott could've been tied up in a broom closet by now.

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