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"How have the past few days been treating you, Rachel?"

The reflector exhaled loudly, tightening her grip on the strap of her backpack as she took a seat on the edge of a chair, anticipating her stay to be as short as possible. Her feet tapped lightly on the floor as she toyed with the strings hanging from the ripped out knee of her jeans, her eyes remaining glued to the ground as her mind raced with thoughts.

How had the past few days been?

It was a legitimate question; one not meant to pry too deeply into her personal life, but simply to gain a sense of how she was. In truth, Rachel still had yet to determine exactly how she was- though, she knew it wasn't her best if she was sitting in the guidance office of her least favourite building, school. "They've been fine. I'm assuming you got the full synopsis from Stiles, right? I saw him leaving when I got here. Why bother asking questions you already know the answer to?"

"I'd like to know your perspective on the situation." Morrell responded calmly, placing a black pen on top of her notebook.

"My perspective? I wasn't there. But if you're asking me to pretend like I was, I guess I've got nothing better to do than sit here & play along." Rachel sighed, letting her bag drop to the floor as she slouched back in the chair. "From my expert observation, Matt Daehler kept my best friends & their parents hostage in the police station. He made them destroy evidence, and even threatened to kill them multiple times- don't ask me how he ended up waterlogged in a river, but I'm not going to say I'll cry about it."

"Are you saying you don't feel any sympathy for him?"

"How could I? He tried to kill my friends." The brunette shot back, momentarily wondering if the guidance counsellor mistook her for the God of Forgiveness. Rachel was practically the queen of holding a grudge- she may pretend to forget over (years & years of) time, but she never forgets.

"Do you think you can you feel sorry for the nine-year-old Matt who drowned?" Morrell attempted to reason, to no avail. Rachel couldn't feel even an ounce of sympathy for Matt- it may have been her fault that Jackson was the Kanima to begin with, but it was Matt's fault that he ended up killing so many innocent people.

"No." Rachel answered in a monotone, listening to the steady beat of her heart. "Drowning would imply that he actually died- but Matt didn't die. Mr. Lahey unfortunately pulled him out of the water before that could happen, and proceeded to threaten him to keep quiet about the whole ordeal. Thinking about it from his perspective, killing that bastard was relatively understandable- but everyone else was innocent."

"How so?"

"I only know what Stiles told me, but in my opinion, they didn't kill him. I don't want to be the bitch & belittle the problem, but everyone at that party was more than likely way too drunk to recite their own name, let alone understand the sentence "I can't swim!" The way I see it, Lahey's the one who let them drink. Sure, Camden threw him in the pool- but they were all underage, and wouldn't have been drunk if his dad hadn't of bought the alcohol for them." The reflector concluded, inhaling sharply at the end of her rambling. She'd nearly run out of oxygen just trying to recap the story.

"That's a very interesting way to see it." Morrell nodded slightly, her expression remaining relatively neutral, though it was obvious she was analyzing the teen's response. "But one positive thing came out of this, right?"

"You mean Stiles' dad getting reinstated as Sheriff? I didn't even know he lost it, to be honest. I was a little preoccupied with other things, most of which I'm beginning to regret." Rachel mumbled the last part, nervously toying with her fingers once again. She'd tucked her phone away in her backpack- specifically to avoid the way she'd constantly toy with it, (and eventually come close to breaking it).

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