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Rachel hated Jackson.

No, scratch that. Rachel wanted to throw Jackson through the twenty foot wall of windows. Her best friend's boyfriend or not, he was a jackass; and that was a fact. She knew he hadn't been with them through the earlier hours of the night, and that he was only thinking like a logical human. But he was still a jackass in her mind. It was Jackson Whittemore's blunt statement just moments ago that sealed Rachel's opinion on him.

"Call the cops." He said, staring at Stiles as if the boy was stupid. It clearly hadn't occurred to him that if calling the police was an option; they would've done it already. But sadly for them, the sheriff department wasn't equipped to fight off a raging alpha werewolf. There was only one group of people capable of that matter, and if they were contacted; Rachel & Scott would be six feet underground.

"No." Stiles snapped.

"Wh- what do you mean no?" Jackson gaped, looking at him in utter disbelief.

"I mean no." The spastic boy hissed, narrowing his eyes. "Wanna hear it in Spanish? Noh."

"Puto infierno" Rachel mumbled, stepping between the two boys before a fight began. She took a breath, resisting the urge to stab herself in the face as she mustered up every bit of self control she had left. "Look, Derek killed three people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with."

"Stilinski's dad is armed with an entire sheriff's department." Jackson retorted, narrowing his eyes at Stiles in annoyance. In that moment, Rachel could've sworn he looked like the spitting image of Randall Boggs from Monsters Inc. - both in looks & personality. "Call him."

"I'm calling." Lydia stated, already typing away on her phone.

"No, Lydia, would you just hold on a sec-" Stiles reached out for her phone, but missed as the strawberry blonde stepped away. She held up a hand, signalling for him to be quiet.

"Hello- Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School." Lydia spoke quickly, her voice shaking. "We're trapped, and we need you to- but-" The girl paused, a frown etched on her face. She glanced towards the group as she lowered her phone. "She hung up on me."

"The police hung up on you?" Rachel furrowed her brows, staring confusedly. Stiles shot her a look as if to say just go with it, but the brunette wanted to know more. "Isn't that illegal? I guess they can break the law, I mean - they are the law, but that's still kinda rude. She could've at least told you why."

"She did." Lydia stated, tucking her phone back in her purse. "She said they got a tip warning them that there were gonna be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again that they're gonna trace it & have me arrested."

"Okay, then call again."

"No, they won't trace a cell." Stiles objected. "They'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here."

"What the- what- what is this? Why does Derek wanna kill us?" Allison questioned, turning towards Rachel. The reflector bit at her bottom lip, shifting her weight uncomfortably & avoiding eye contact. "Why is he killing anyone?"

"I don't know." Rachel answered, cocking her head to the side. If she was going down - she sure as hell wasn't going alone. Her idea of friendship with Allison was sinking like the Titanic, and Rachel fully intended to drag her fellow teen wolf with her. "Scott, do you have any idea why Derek's killing people?"

"I don't know." Scott muttered, before realization hit him. Absolutely everyone in the room was staring at him - with the exception of Rachel, who never really looked directly at anyone. "Why's everyone looking at me?"

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