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"Isn't this illegal?" Rachel questioned, her hands on her hips as she stood idly outside. She didn't even want to think of her current location, because that was the most alarming part.

She was on the roof of Scott McCall's house, along with her slightly insane brother.

"I get that he's on the verge of getting us both brutally maimed & killed, but don't you think there's a more subtle way to approach it?" The brunette attempted to reason with Derek, though it was a weak shot. "Like - oh, I don't know - the front door?"

"Do you really think he's going to invite us in for tea?" The werewolf questioned, now annoyed. Rachel had been at him during the entire drive to Scott's house, as well as the time it took to carry her up on to the roof.

"Tea? He looks more like a coffee person to me, but-" Rachel immediately silenced as Derek glared at her, gesturing to the open window of Scott's room. It took her a moment to realize what he was meaning, but once she did - she nearly fell off the roof. "Oh, you want me to- no. No, no, no & no with a cherry on top. I'd rather jump off-"

The spazzing teen was silenced as he clamped a hand over her mouth, carrying her through the window with him as quietly as possible. Only when he was sure she'd remain quiet, did he let her go. Both of them remained in the shadows, waiting to be seen.

At the exact moment Stiles appeared to take notice of Derek & Rachel on the screen in front of Scott, it froze up - nearly causing Rachel to laugh at the horrendous timing. The words "It looks like.." could be seen frozen on the screen along with Stiles' concerned expression, while Scott smacked at the old computer in attempt to unfreeze it.

"What? It looks like what? Come on." Scott muttered, shaking the computer slightly in annoyance. "Dammit! What?"

The words "..someone's behind you." finished typed just as Scott turned around to face Derek & Rachel.

Not a moment of hesitation was given as the older werewolf slammed Scott against the wall, leaving Rachel to idly stroll over to the computer. In one swift movement, she waved at Stiles before ripping the plug out of the wall. The screen faded to black in a matter of seconds before the teen could react.

"I saw you on the field." Derek growled angrily, leaving Rachel relatively confused.

"You said you were getting groceries!" Rachel whined, crossing her arms in annoyance. After an eventful first day yesterday, she'd opted to take the day off & relax. She could only handle so much teenage trouble before needing a detox.

"Wha- What are you talking about?" Scott choked out, acting clueless. Even Rachel could tell it was a lie, without tapping into the faintly enhanced senses she managed to retain from yesterday. It was beyond rare for Rachel to manage a full twenty four hours without accidentally reverting herself to human once again.

"You shifted in front of them! If they find out what you are, they find out about me. About all of us." Derek ranted, not letting Scott free just yet. "And then it's not just the hunters after us, it's everyone."

Rachel couldn't even begin to imagine a world where everyone knew about werewolves. If werewolves were revealed, it wouldn't take long for everything else to unravel. Eventually, nobody would be safe - including her.

"But.. They didn't see anything!" Scott pleaded, evidently fearful of the Hale siblings. Even if Rachel chose to idly pace around the room, she still managed to move with a certain rhythm that made it appear as if she was some form of predator stalking it's prey. She was the one who, rather than attacking, chose to break down her enemies with fear before moving it.

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