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"Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there."

"Almost where?" Rachel snapped from the backseat of Stiles' jeep, leaning forward. Her shoulders were cramped between the space of the drivers' & passengers' seats, but that was lower than hell itself on her current list of concerns.

The fact that her brother was bleeding out with no hopes of healing, well, that was higher than the clouds. Bypassing her previous priority of maintaining a relatively normal life, she'd rank this as 0.5 above #1.

"Your house." Stiles stated obviously, momentarily glancing back at the brunette before returning his gaze to the road in front of him.

"What? No, you can't take me there." Derek coughed, managing to glare at Stiles despite the searing pain. Even Rachel knew that their house was the worst possible place to go in a situation like this. One of the first things she was taught, was to hide & heal when injured. Returning to their own house with Derek half dead would be almost as if Rachel had posted their exact location on Facebook. Hunters from near & far would be jumping at the opportunity to catch a Hale weak & injured.

"I can't take you to your own house?"

"Not when I can't protect myself." The werewolf huffed, stating it as though the answer had been obvious. For both him & Rachel, it had been - however, Stiles was rather new to the wonderful world of werewolves. He hadn't had time to fully understand the dangers that lie behind the quick-passing, overjoyed emotion of "holy shit, my best friend's a werewolf!"

With a quick tire screech, Stiles had swerved his jeep over onto the side of the road, ceasing all movement & shutting it off completely. Nearly fuming, he turned to face both Hale siblings. "All right. What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm? Are you dying?"

"He certainly isn't getting better." Rachel hissed, fists clenched tightly at her sides.

"I have a last resort." Derek assured. The brunette scrunched up her nose, cringing at the thought. She knew exactly what the horrific last resort was, and she was beginning to contemplate on whether or not she could withstand a few ordinary bullets to find the one her brother had been shot with.

Surely Allison would let her in, and as long as she stayed in the company of the clueless girl - no Argent could pull a gun on her without exposing the real family business to Allison. Rachel didn't want to - especially since she was sure she'd still maintained her previous reflection of Stiles, which would leave her human & defenceless.

"What do you mean? What last resort?" Stiles questioned, looking between the two siblings.

Without another word, Derek lifted the sleeve of his shirt, finally revealing how bad the wound had become. A few black veins could be seen fading off around the edges, whilst the bullet hole itself was oozing a disgusting black blood.

"We need to hurry." Rachel muttered, looking fearfully from her brother back to Stiles. "We really need to hurry."

"Oh my God. .What is that? Oh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out." Stiles grimaced, turning away. Of all the things he'd seen at the police station, or photos or crime scenes & evidence - he'd never seen anything as horrifying.

"Start the car. Now." Derek growled. Rachel leaned forward more, now nearly in the front seat. The brunette turned to Stiles, glaring angrily.

"I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay?" The spastic boy remarked, ignoring Rachel - who he failed to notice, now had yellowish eyes. "In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead."

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