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If Rachel had to recap her night in one word, that word would probably be hectic. If she wasn't already shaken up enough, the notorious alpha decided to prey upon a useless video clerk. Ironically at the same time her strawberry blonde friend - and the aforementioned strawberry blonde's hotheaded boyfriend - had been in search of a movie.

The option of accompanying Stiles to the gory crime scene had been offered to her a pile of times, however she'd gone with the traditional choice of third-wheeling Scott & her brother. While her plain humanity often managed to cloud her ability to follow Derek, the teen had already managed to reflect him without him noticing - putting her one step ahead.

"Starting to get it?" Derek questioned Scott, the two still looking down on the various police officers & paramedics.

"Uh, I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why. I mean, this isn't standard practice, right? We don't go out in the middle of the night murdering everyone, do we?" The beta asked confusedly, glancing back down at the scene. Glass was scattered all around - likely from the store's window - and people were everywhere. Whether they were dressed in a police uniform, a paramedic's uniform or just everyday clothing; everyone was curious as of what exactly happened.

"No." Derek stated confidently. "We're predators. We don't have to be killers."

"Then why is he a killer?" Scott spoke the question that each of them wanted to know. That was what'd bothered Rachel the most - the fact that this new alpha was committing massacres left & right. She understood why any werewolf would want to kill Laura, she was an alpha after all, but that still didn't make it right.

Their initial thought had been that he wanted power. But after seeing this, along with the bus driver, that theory had begun to crumble. There was no connection between a bus driver & a video store clerk, unless they were in some form of online gaming community - they were absolute opposites.

"That's what we're gonna find out."


"You know, I have a life too." Scott huffed as he followed Rachel & Derek into the charred remnants of their house. The entire way there, he'd remained silent - a miracle, in Rachel's opinion - up until now.

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do!" Scott protested, raising his voice in anger. "I don't care what you say about him making me his pet or-"

"Is it just me, or did that sound extremely kinky?" Rachel interrupted, raising a brow. She hadn't entirely thought out the comment, but the simple suggestion sounded far beyond her definition of weird.

Both males looked at her in confusion, neither having expected the girl to be humorous after the earlier events. Brushing past the comment, Derek corrected, "Part of his pack."

"Whatever." Scott huffed, evidently still annoyed. "I have homework to do. I have to go to a parent/teacher conference tomorrow because I'm failing chemistry."

"I'm pretty sure I'm failing everything - even lunch, but at least I'm still breathing." Rachel sighed, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. She'd sworn she lost all feeling what-so-ever in her hands at least an hour ago, and she couldn't seem to get warm. The lack of indoor heating & the burned insulation was really starting to get to her - whether she reflected a werewolf or not, she was always cold.

"You wanna do homework?" Derek questioned sarcastically, ignoring his sister's comment. He could deal with her failing grades at a later date. "Or do you wanna not die? You have less than a week until the full moon. You don't kill with him, he kills you."

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