Round 1 - Scene 1

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will try not to make these chapters too long, but try not to skip through them too much just in case there are any clues (there won't be clues in every scene).

--- There is one killer among us...

It was a cruel leaf-bare in HailClan, the blizzard had arrived a day ago and cats shivered in their dens, queens curling around their kits in an attempt to keep them warm. Despite this, some cats still roamed the camp, staring into the forest surrounding their Clan as they awaited the return of the hunting patrol Amberpoppy had sent out at dawn.

After what seemed like an eternity, the quiet sounds of cats padding through the snow reached the camp's entrance, with Stormstar leaping down from the branches of the dead oak to greet them.

"Did you find any prey?" the leader questioned, a tone of urgency behind his voice as he walked towards them. Duskwatcher sighed, unable to meet his gaze. 

"Even our most skilled hunters have only managed to catch enough for the next few days, after that, I don't know what we're going to do, Stormstar..." he muttered, as Blizzardshade began to make towards him.

"You've nothing to fear Duskwatcher!" Blizzardshade declared proudly. "I'm going out to catch enough prey to last us for moons!" the tom yowled, as he ran towards the entrance.

"Get back here! You can't just go off on your own!" Stormstar demanded, but it was too late. The young warrior had already fled the camp in an impulsive rush. Amberpoppy groaned from her spot outside the warriors den, beginning to reconsider her relationship choices.


Blizzardshade smirked as he crept through the grass, trying to keep his gaze on the robin in front of him to the best of his ability as the falling snow thickened the mist around him.

"Come to me..." he murmured, creeping forward slowly, before a branch snapped behind him and the robin flew off. With a frustrated growl, he whirled around, spotting a dark silhouette from within the bush staring at him.

"Now, now, can't have you feeding the clan now can we? This leaf-bare is already making my mission easier." Their voice was steady and calm, before they leapt forward with unsheathed claws, catching the unprepared tom off-guard. 

Blizzardshade yelped in alarm as claws attacked his neck, as he attempted to shove the cat backwards. They raked claws his left leg, then turned in alarm to the sound of another cat approaching, before running away into the mist. The tom choked, attempting to limp forward as the world began to darken.

"Oh Blizzardshade, what happened to you..." he heard a soft voice murmur, before he lost consciousness completely.


Back in camp...

Blizzardshade lay in the medicine den as Stormstar approached, frowning as he saw the extent of his injuries.

"Blizzardshade, what happened out there?" he asked, eyes narrowing. "This is why I told you not to go out alone, especially during a leaf-bare like this!"

The tom groaned, looking up at the leader's irritated gaze. 

"I was attacked, I couldn't see them because of the mist, but their scent... it was that of a HailClan cat..."

Stormstar's eyes widened in disbelief, before turning to his deputy, who had been gazing down at her mate with worry.

"Call a Clan meeting, I'm not sure I believe it, but if there's a killer among us, they need to be dealt with."

Amberpoppy nodded, calling out to the HailClan cats, who struggled to make their way out into the cold.


"I accuse..."


Attacked: Blizzardshade

Healed: Blizzardshade (The medicine cat guessed correctly! Therefore, he is saved for now).

Accused: ...? (Amberpoppy, please check your PMs, as in this mafia it is the deputy who does the accusing!) Aquagloss

The next chapter will be a voting chapter after I await an accusation from the deputy. (If they fail to reply, the role will go to Stormstar)

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