Round 2 - Scene 4

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[I apologise if this chapter is slightly longer than usual and for the amount of time this took to make, it was a struggle to figure out how exactly this was going to play out as this type of cat is a little difficult to kill off. Also sorry about the lack of visual clues, if we get to scene 5 there will probably be one in there.] - Dusk

Glacierstar anxiously listened to her clanmates discussing, miserably watching her mate as she worried about the eventual verdict. She was so lost in her thoughts she didn't notice Rootfrost padding up to her side.

"Eight innocent votes to seven guilty ones, Glacierstar," the ginger she-cat murmured softly, as Glacierstar blinked, hesitating a moment before she pulled herself from her thoughts. Relief flooded her chest as she sighed, thanking her deputy before she got to her paws.

'These votes are becoming closer and closer...'

"Cedarcloud has been voted innocent," the grey she-cat began, as yowls of protest began to break out among the crowd.

"Another innocent vote? How are we ever meant to protect our Clan if we can't make a decision?!" Foxdawn meowed angrily, shooting a worried glance at her kits.

"I agree with Foxdawn," Lynxpaw growled. "I don't trust him, he's always been the most ambitious of us all," the tom spat.

"That's enough," Glacierstar muttered, glaring at her clanmates. "I asked, and you voted, and it was a fair vote. Cedarcloud is innocent. Clan dismissed." The she-cat's tone was firm, and at her words the Clan reluctantly scattered.


Half a moon had passed since the last incident, and many in the Clan were beginning to hope that perhaps they were safe again.

On this day, the usual quiet of the early morning was broken by Everest's pained yowls from within the medicine den, her mate Thistlehaze anxiously pacing outside as the medicine cat apprentice had forced him out earlier, his kits Lynxpaw and Icepaw watching him quietly.

"I can't wait to meet the new kits," Icepaw purred, his eyes shining at the thought of new siblings. Lynxpaw rolled his eyes, looking away from the den as he lashed his tail impatiently.

"Whatever. You're too soft, I'd rather be training than hanging out with kittens... But, at least if someone tries to attack them, I'll be ready to protect them," Lynxpaw meowed, lifting his chin as he yowled, "I'll be the strongest warrior in this Clan soon!"

Icepaw grinned.

"So you do care then?"

"Shut up!"


Glacierstar groaned, shaking her head as she finally gave up on sleep, begrudgingly getting to her paws as she prepared to leave her den.

'Never have I heard a queen yowl as much as her...'

"Glacierstar? Are you awake yet?"

The grey she-cat smiled as her mate walked in, padding forward to nuzzle him gently, Cedarcloud purring in response.

"Yes, I've been awake for a while... Ah well, I suppose a sleepless night is worth it for the Clan finally having new life, perhaps these new kits are a sign that things will get better," Glacierstar murmured, sighing as Cedarcloud sat next to her, nodding.

"I certainly felt that way when our lovely kits were born, well, maybe with Gustpaw, Sleetpaw yowled so much for such a tiny kit," the black and white tom joked, his mate shaking her head.

"Now now, you should never compare kits, they were both perfect, just in different ways," the grey she-cat laughed. "Anyway, since I'm awake this early I may as well make myself useful, I'll see you later," she meowed.

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