Round 2 - Scene 1

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these chapters might be a little longer than last round as Seal and I are still experimenting with co-writing and haven't quite worked out an ideal length yet, but we'll try not to let to let them get any longer than necessary :')

Probably won't be too many clues as to who the killer is at first, but as the round keeps going more will be revealed.

--- This round will have ONE killer. Remember, if you have a role, do not share it with anyone ---


Dawn's light shone across the TundraClan camp as the Clan cats began to emerge from their dens, the warriors and apprentices preparing themselves for the day ahead.

Inside the warriors den, a fluffy grey tom padded at his mate's nest, gently pressing his muzzle against Ashenblaze's fur.
"Ashenblaze... wake up, Ashenblaze..." he purred, as his mate opened one eye in response, giving the tom a tired look.

"I was having the best dream about eating the largest vole I'd ever seen, how could you interrupt me like that?" Ashenblaze groaned, shooting a playful glare at Silverfeather as he got to his paws.

"Then perhaps you can catch a real vole on your hunting patrol this morning!"

Ashenblaze and Silverfeather yelped in surprise as Rootfrost suddenly appeared behind them, amusement in her eyes as she snorted at her brother's reaction.
"Oh StarClan, you scared the life out of me..." Silverfeather complained, shaking his head as the pair followed the ginger she-cat out of the warriors den.

Silverfeather turned his head as their apprentices Sleetpaw and Fernpaw padded toward them, meowing a greeting as they joined their mentors.

"Rootfrost said we could have some extra training on the patrol this morning!" Sleetpaw meowed enthusiastically, as Fernpaw merely nodded beside her.

Rootfrost rolled her eyes.
"You'll scare off all the prey at that volume, apprentices..." the she-cat muttered.
"Alright, one more cat will do."

The she-cat looked around, spotting Snowpetal sitting beside her mate.

"Snowpetal, you'll be leading the hunting patrol this morning," Rootfrost called out, as Snowpetal smiled, walking forward to join them, before Shiverhawk shot the deputy a glare.

"Really? You're going to let her lead a patrol? Surely these young cats need proper supervision... Perhaps I should go with her," Shiverhawk suggested, as Snowpetal stopped, looking back at her mate miserably.

"I believe Snowpetal is perfectly capable, and she doesn't need your permission. Quickly now, or it'll be sunhigh before you lot leave camp," Rootfrost ordered, as the patrol nodded, heading toward the exit.


Silverfeather dove into the river, relishing the way the water felt around his long fur. Most cats hated the water, but to Silverfeather, there was no better place. Despite the temperature being freezing, there were still a few fish swimming around. He swam to the bottom of the river, waiting patiently for a fish to come past so he could catch it.

A silver coloured shape swam towards him, not noticing Silverfeather as he perched next to a rock. The tom quickly swam out and grabbed it in his muzzle. Swimming back to the surface, he clambered onto the ice, shaking his pelt. Sleetpaw ducked away, her pelt twitching as she got wet. "Do we have to do that too?" Fernpaw asked quietly.

Silverfeather set his fish down softly, and it wriggled for a moment before Ashenblaze rushed in and bit its neck. "'Course you'll have to, although most cats prefer to stay out of the water until it's less cold, unlike Silverfeather here." Ashenblaze teased his mate. "Shut up! I just like swimming, and there's prey down there." Silverfeather grinned.

"For today though, we'll stick with fishing from the side of the hole." Ashenblaze added. "Unless-" Silverfeather heard a crack from the forest beside the river. "What was that?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, we should check it out though. Don't want HailClan cats intruding on our territory." Snowpetal, who had been quiet so far, meowed. "Ashenblaze, go around that way," she motioned with her tail towards the right. "Silverfeather, take the left side. I'll head straight towards it." She ordered. Silverfeather nodded, then turned to the apprentices. "Don't worry, we'll be fine. You two stay here and make sure you don't fall in, you haven't had your swimming lessons yet."

As Silverfeather headed towards the woods on the left side, he nodded to Ashenblaze on his way to the right. His mate swished his tail, then plunged into the woods. Silverfeather ducked to avoid a low hanging branch, then started moving in the direction of the noise they had heard earlier.

He hadn't gotten very far when he heard a yowl of surprise and then a cry of pain, coming from Ashenblaze's direction. Forgetting to be cautious, he rushed towards his mate. He heard another cry, and willed his paws to move faster.

"Ashenblaze!" Silverfeather cried as he rushed into the clearing. The dark gray tom lay on the ground, breathing very shallowly. "Silverfeather... I'm sorry... I love you..." Silverfeather couldn't speak, could only rest his tail upon his dying mate's shoulder. He wanted to shout to the stars asking them how this could've happened, but instead, he sat there, watching as the last light left Ashenblaze's eyes.

It all passed in a blur after that, Snowpetal arrived with their shocked apprentices, and they headed back to camp, Ashenblaze's body numb on his shoulders.


Ashenblaze's body was surrounded by horrified Clanmates, TundraClan filled with mutters of confusion and grief as they watched their mourning leader.

Glacierstar stared down at her brother's limp body, shaking as she raised her head to meet Silverfeather's grief filled eyes.
"Who... Who could've done such a thing?" the leader choked out, leaning on Cedarcloud for comfort as Silverfeather shook his head.

"All I know is that there were no other Clan, fox or badger scents nearby, we heard a noise from the woods, so we went to investigate... and when I came back to find him it was too late," Silverfeather murmured, before leaning down and pressing his muzzle against his mate's fur again.

Cedarcloud tilted his head from his position beside Glacierstar.

"You're suggesting a TundraClan cat did this?" he asked, as the Clan began yowling their protests.

"Why would one of our clanmates kill Ashenblaze?" "A traitor?!"

"Quiet!" Glacierstar yowled. "If it is true that a TundraClan cat killed my brother... I don't care what it takes. I will get justice!" the she-cat growled, as a voice in the crowd cried out.

"I accuse...!"


Attacked: Ashenblaze

Healed: Silverfeather (incorrect)

Accused: ...? Accuser, please check PMs. If you do not respond within 2 - 3 days, your role will be given to another cat.

For any new players, you do not have to take any action yet, as the next chapter will be a voting chapter where you can decide whether the accused is innocent or guilty.

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