Round 1 - Voting 4

221 11 38


The she-cat in question stiffened as the entire Clan turned to stare at her, shock in their eyes as she tentatively padded forward. Rushfeather darted to her side in an instant, looking up at Stormstar with wide, terrified eyes.

"M-My sister? S-She would never..." the quiet tom stammered, as Mistfeather looked at her kit in horror, slowly walking forward to comfort her fearful kin.

"You exile my mate, and now you want to exile my kit? What has your leadership come to?" Mistfeather growled, refusing to meet Stormstar's gaze. 

Briargaze swallowed. 

"Stormstar... please... I-" she began, her speech cutting off when Stormstar glared at her, lashing his tail. 

"Quiet. Amberpoppy has her verdict. Now, HailClan. Is she innocent or guilty?"

Proof of her innocence:

- She is a fairly reserved cat, not a violent one

- She has no clear enemies

- Would she have risked her family's exile? [Nightleap]

Proof of her guilt:

- She has bright eyes

- Her fur would be difficult to see in the mist [She is nearly identical to her father]

- She is very persuasive, and may have had the skill to pull off such a scheme

- She was at the ceremony, and would have been able to hear Palebranch and Mintbright discussing their hunting plans


Is Briargaze innocent or guilty?

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