Round 3 - Scene 3

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Sorry for the delay again with this chapter, been having some technical issues and have been busy with studying as well.

Cloudeater walked around the Clan, gathering the votes of each cat before he returned to his leader's side.

Sunnystar scoffed at the result but nodded at his deputy and addressed the Clan.

"A few guilty votes, but not nearly enough for an exile, therefore Birchmask will be staying in SolarClan."

Birchmask let out a sigh of relief, glad to escape the stares of his clanmates, and padded back to his daughter, who was still furiously glaring at Sunnystar and Cloudeater.

"No cat should let down their guard. Ivyvine was lucky enough that the warriors with her were able to find her in time, but if an attack happens again, I fear the outcome won't be the same... We should return to our usual duties for now but continue to make sure that everyone has at least one cat with them at all times," Cloudeater meowed, earning a slight nod of agreement from Sunnystar.


The sun was already high over the SolarClan hill as Dawnshadow woke from her sleep, looking around the warrior's den as she prepared to start her duties for the day. She sighed as her eyes met the spot behind her where Maplefeather used to sleep, it had been almost a moon since her daughter was attacked, but she still couldn't shake the feelings of sadness every time she got up from her nest.

Shaking her head, the she-cat left the warriors den, almost walking straight into Cypressberry as the warrior tripped over her own paws, falling headfirst into the ground before her.

"S-Sorry Dawnshadow," Cypressberry mumbled, awkwardly picking herself up as she straightened, before tilting her head.

"It's fi-" Dawnshadow tried to say, before the she-cat accidentally interrupted her mid sentence, trying to get the words out quickly.

"By the way, I think Chestnutpaw was looking for you earlier, she sounded really angry, I mean she's angry a lot, like her father, but today she was furious, she was yelling at poor Peachpaw. So... anyway, bye," Cypressberry meowed, padding off before Dawnshadow could respond.

The ginger she-cat blinked, her mind trying to catch up with what Cypressberry had said for a moment, before sighing, looking toward the apprentice's den.

'This has to be about Sunnystar refusing to let her leave camp...'

Deciding she would rather try and talk some sense into her mate than face her daughter's tantrum, she instead headed toward Sunnystar's den, slipping inside the large hollow tree at the edge of camp to see her mate still in his nest. There was only room for one cat inside, it was a space that Sunnystar refused to share with anyone, not even his mate, as the tom preferred to sleep in solitude.

"Sunnystar, I need to talk to you, it's about Chestnutpaw," Dawnshadow meowed. The ginger tom raised his head, getting to his paws as he turned around.

"If she's still asking to leave camp, the answer is no. As long as she's in camp she's safe, unless you want her to die out there like Maplefeather did," he hissed, his eyes narrowed as he waited for his mate to respond.

Dawnshadow refused to back down, ignoring his vicious gaze as she thought about her daughters.

"That isn't fair, Sunnystar. You know how much Chestnutpaw wants to be a warrior, and you let the other apprentices leave camp. I love her and I want to protect her too, but she'll be safe with her mentor, and-"

"How can you be so sure? We can't trust anyone!" Sunnystar snarled, as his mate sighed.

"Listen, I understand how terrifying this situation is, our kit is gone and I nearly lost one of my closest friends too, and I understand you've had a hard time trusting anyone after Heatherdusk left you and SolarClan, but you're the leader of this Clan, and a leader must allow all of their clanmates to be strong and powerful warriors, their kin included," Dawnshadow tried, before Sunnystar cut her off again, but this time he leapt forward in a fit of rage, raking a claw against his mate's side.

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