Round 1 - Scene 4

221 9 18

Votes || 10 Guilty, 6 Innocent.

Stormstar lashed his tail as Amberpoppy smiled, the Clan having finally agreed with her choice. 'Perhaps we'll be safe now...' the she-cat thought, her nerves decreasing as the leader stepped forward.

"Nightleap, the Clan has voted you guilty!" he yowled, as Nightleap recoiled in horror, his anger suddenly dying down as he looked to his mate for comfort. Mistfeather shook her head, turning away with her eyes down, leading both her own and Hazelsnow's kits back into the warmth of the nursery.

"Fine. I'll leave. StarClan protect my children..." he muttered, turning to leave. Briarpaw and Rushpaw leaned into each other for comfort as they watched him go, gazes filled with sorrow. With one last irritated glance at Stormstar, the tom stalked off, and the Clan fell silent.

Stormstar seemed pleased with himself, nodding to Amberpoppy as they climbed down from the dead oak.

"Clan dismissed."

------------------------- Nightleap has been exiled. He was INNOCENT. 1 killer still remains.

3 days later...

Stormstar climbed onto the branches of the dead oak as he called out to his Clan. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own pray gather around the dead oak for a clan meeting!" the leader yowled.

The Clan slowly gathered under the trees branches, a more relaxed feeling within the camp now that Nightleap had left. Mentors and apprentices smiled knowingly, Akiko, Rushpaw and Briarpaw grinning at each other with excitement.

"I know it has been a difficult few moons, however, with the killer gone, we can return to Clan life. Now. These apprentices have all proven themselves worthy, and it is time for them to become warriors. Akiko, Rushpaw, Briarpaw, step forward." the leader called, as the three padded forward.

[Didn't want to drag this out by doing 1 for all 3, so just doing them together]

"I, Stormstar, leader of HailClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Akiko, Rushpaw, Briarpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!" all three cats stated, looking up at him with excitement.

"Then by the powers of  StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Akiko, from this moment on you will be known as Mintbright. Rushpaw, you will be known as Rushfeather, and you Briarpaw, will be known as Briargaze." StarClan honours your patience and bravery during these difficult times, and we welcome you as full warriors of HailClan!" 

"Mintbright, Rushfeather, Briargaze!" the Clan cried.

Palebranch walked over to congratulate her friend, playfully swiping at her ear. Mintbright smiled at her old mentor with joy in her eyes.

"After my vigil, do you want to go hunting with me tomorrow? Like old times?" Mintbright questioned, with Palebranch nodding in delight. As they spoke, a cat within the crowd stared at them, a malicious grin growing on their face. This would be perfect.


Palebranch and Mintbright padded through the forest together, the she-cats' ears perked as they listened for prey. 

"I'm so glad you're finally a warrior, I was disappointed when Stormstar refused to give you a warrior's name until after your training..." Palebranch murmured, gazing at her ex-apprentice with pride. 

"Me too. It's an honour to properly be a part of HailClan! I've waited so long for this," Mintbright began, while Palebranch began to frown.

"So that's why- Palebranch? What's wrong?" the she-cat questioned, enthusiasm fading from her voice as her friend looked around in confusion.

"I thought I caught onto a HailClan scent... but its so early, why would anyone else be awake?" the grey she-cat muttered in confusion, as Mintbright stared.

"I know we exiled Nightleap... but I can't help but feel something's wrong... I think I'm going to go back to camp, are you coming?" Palebranch asked, as Mintbright shook her head. "It could be dangerous to stay out here on your own."

The she-cat chuckled. "I'm a warrior now Palebranch, I can take care of myself," the she-cat reassured. Palebranch sighed. "I suppose it would be odd for you to come back without prey on your first day with your new name, just... if you hear anything or see any hostile cats, come straight back to camp," her old mentor warned.


Mintbright smiled as she began to walk back, a vole in her jaws as a sense of pride filled her.

'My first catch as a warrior!' the she-cat thought proudly, before stopping at the sight in front of her.

A cat stood with their claws unsheathed, waiting to pounce.

Mintbright froze. "You? But... Nightleap? What?"

The cat chuckled. "Nightleap?" they scoffed. "That coward could never do such a thing, the mouse-brain would probably get caught within the first day if he tried. No. My mission... it requires a certain level of stealth. When I'm finished with you lot, the forest will be free from the mess the Clans made, and peace will be restored."

Mintbright shook her head. "No, no, no... I always thought you were an honourable cat," she whispered, before pausing. "But, I don't understand... Why are you telling me this?"

The figure grinned. "Because you won't live to tell the tale."


A horrified yowl. Blood seeps across the snow.


Palebranch felt numb as Stormstar called the cats around the dead oak once again. Hollygaze, now Mintbright. Was she doomed to lose everyone she cared about in this massacre? Amberpoppy gave her an apologetic look as she gently brushed past the warrior, climbing up to join Stormstar.

"Unfortunately, it appears this crisis is not yet over. Another cat has been killed, one of our newest warriors, Mintbright." he announced, as shocked gasps rang out across the clearing.

"Mintbright?" "She was so young!" cats began to yowl, quieting again as Amberpoppy stepped forward.

"Well, I accuse..."


Attacked: Mintbright [Akiko]

Healed: Palebranch [Incorrect]

Accused: ...? Deputy, check PMs.


Clues so far:

- Bright eyes

- Fur difficult to see in the mist

- It is NOT Palebranch, Mousefluff, Blizzardshade or Frostwhisker.

- There may be some subtle clues if you read the chapter carefully.

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