Round 1 - The End | HailClan victory!

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This chapter will be the normal ending, we are planning on writing an epilogue to just tie up some loose ends for the characters, but you only have to read that if you're interested. For those who aren't, this is the end. [I always feel bad when innocents get exiled, so the epilogue will most definitely include the return of the innocent exiles, who have formed their own Clan called Snowflake Clan]

After the epilogue, planning for R2 will begin, if you want to join R2 and have any suggestions on how we can make it different to this one, please comment them down below!

Amberstar waited until Duskwatcher padded up to her, still glaring at Briargaze as her deputy quietly stated the result to her. Briargaze stared up at her, her gaze unreadable as she waited for the leader's verdict.

The leader leapt down from the dead oak, stepping in front of Briargaze with her head towering above the young warrior as she growled out her answer.

"Briargaze, you have been voted guilty, and are exiled from HailClan!" she hissed, as the cats around her nodded, having expected this with the entire Clan voting guilty, not a single innocent vote to be heard. Briargaze's polite and reserved nature seemed to melt away, as if it had all been a façade, an evil glint appearing in her eyes.

The warrior chuckled. "You won't be able stop what's coming. I know cats in all four Clans who want what I want, a peaceful forest, without the Clans fighting and ruining everything. A forest without impurity," she added, with a menacing glance at Silverkit. The little kit whimpered, hiding behind Aspencloud in fear.

Rushfeather stared at her, gaze full of sorrow.

"How could you do this? Mother and father were exiled because of you! My friends, your friends were killed! Who could've fed these horrible ideas into your mind?" he cried, backing away from his sister as she turned to smirk at him. Bramblespirit shook his head, pressing his muzzle into his friend's fur, trying to comfort the shaking tom.

"The dark forest were very convincing, honestly Shadeflight had the most wonderful ideas about-" she began, before Amberstar cut her off with a lash of her tail.

"Quiet! I don't want to hear anything else from you, traitor. You exiled your own clanmates and killed innocent cats, a young warrior, my mate, a queen, and even a medicine cat!" she growled, her yowls getting louder with every word. "We don't need to lower ourselves to your level, we don't kill cats, but if any of our warriors ever see you on HailClan territory again, I will send you off to your precious dark forest with my own claws!" Amberstar raged.

Briargaze seemed to take pleasure in the leader's anger as she turned to leave the camp, glancing back once more.

"Oh well, my work is done. Your Clan is already weakened, and by the time my allies have finished theirs, the forest of my dreams will be complete. Good luck," the she-cat called mockingly, as she disappeared into the trees.

Amberstar continued glaring at the she-cat until she was sure she was gone, before turning to her Clan.

"It seems we are finally victorious. May we have peace at last," the she-cat murmured, as the Clan nodded.

"HailClan, HailClan, HailClan!"


While the cats cheered, Rushfeather did not join in, walking away as he felt utterly numb. How could life continue after this? His entire family was gone.

A brown tabby followed him, the black tom sighed as he turned to meet his friend's concerned gaze.

"Rushfeather, aren't you coming?" the tabby questioned, the tom shaking his head as he sat back, tone shaky.

"I can't, I just, Mistfeather, Nightleap, now Briargaze, I-I," Rushfeather struggled, as Bramblespirit sighed, leaning against his friend as they both fell into silence, the faint noise of the Clan behind them.

"I know. But I want you to know that you're my friend, and you were always like a brother to me. What I'm saying is, I'll always be hear to listen if you need it," the tom offered, as Rushfeather managed a weak smile.

"Thank you."

As the sun began to set, the two toms smiled at each other, tails intertwined as they walked forward to join their Clanmates. There was hope in their hearts that the Clan could return to normality, and with time, HailClan could learn to thrive again.


Congratulations HailClan! The murderer has been exiled!

ACCUSER: AquaGloss [Amberpoppy/star - Deputy --> Leader]

MEDICINE CATS: foxyfirepheonix [Hollygaze - Original Medicine Cat] and Saphykins [Rushpaw/feather - Medicine Cat Apprentice, took over after Hollygaze died in Scene 2]

Hollygaze successfully healed Blizzardshade 

Rushfeather successfully healed Silverkit and Bramblespirit 

MURDERER: darkinq- [Briarpaw/gaze - Apprentice/Warrior] 

Briargaze's killing choices

- Blizzardshade [Failed - Scene 1], Hollygaze [Success - Scene 2], Hazelsnow [Success - Scene 3], Akiko/Mintbright [Success - Scene 4], Silverkit [Failed - Scene 5], Blizzardshade [Success - Scene 6], Bramblespirit [Failed - Scene 7]


Thank you so much for playing! I really hope to see you next time! ^^ And thank you to Sealfrost for your help with the chapters, hopefully they will be co-hosting R2 with me.

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