Round 1 - Scene 2

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After carefully listening to the discussion of the Clan, Amberpoppy returned to Stormstar, quietly informing him of the results. The leader nodded, sighing, as he turned to face HailClan.

"Duskwatcher has been voted innocent for now," he began, as Duskwatcher and his mate sighed in relief, the tension within the camp dissipating. "However, there is still a possible killer within our clan, so please take extra caution when leaving camp," Stormstar warned, leaping down from the high rock and disappearing into his den.

"Clan dismissed."


(Two days later...)

Mousefluff was curled up in the warriors den, lazily staring out at the moon as she attempted to fall asleep. The image of the Clan glaring at her best friend with hostility was still in her mind as she shook her head.

'Duskwatcher couldn't really have killed someone, could he? No...'  the she-cat shuddered at the thought, before shaking her head in dismissal. She sighed, still wide awake.

"Can't sleep?" a voice whispered next to her, with Mousefluff turning to look at the concerned gaze of her sister, Hollygaze. She shook her head, as Hollygaze leapt to her paws.

"You know what helps me take my mind off of things? A lovely midnight walk!" the she-cat proclaimed excitedly, awkwardly lowering her voice as a few grumpy warriors turned to glare at her yowling.

As the two she-cats walked out of the den, Mousefluff turned to her sister nervously. 

"Should we really be out at night? I mean, especially with a killer in our Clan?" the she-cat questioned, looking around in paranoia.

Hollygaze smiled, shaking her head. "Honestly, you're such a pessimist! There's been no attacks for days, I think that maybe Blizzardshade just saw a fox, that's all!"


After a while of staring out over the moonlit lake, Mousefluff sighed.

"You were right, as usual. I feel much more relaxed. What would I do without you?" she murmured, blinking slowly as tiredness began to cloud her mind. Hollygaze smiled again, leaning against her sister's pelt.

"I'm glad I could help. Perhaps we should head back now though, the moonlight is fading, it'll be harder to make our way back if we don't leave soon," she stated, Mousefluff nodding as the two began padding back to the forest.

"Surely there's no rush? It is such a beautiful night after all."

The sisters turned quickly, Hollygaze protectively covering Mousefluff as they searched for the location of the voice.

"Show yourself coward!" Mousefluff demanded, growling as she unsheathed her claws.

The voice chuckled. "As you wish." The figure leapt forward at Hollygaze, Mousefluff stumbling backwards behind her as her sister was thrown to the floor. She heard a snap in her leg, groaning as she struggled toward her sibling.

"You ruined my first kill by saving Blizzardshade, it won't happen again!"

Mousefluff stared helplessly at bright eyes as she tried to help Hollygaze, but it was too late. Hollygaze's eyes glazed over, body limp, as the figure escaped into the darkness.

Hollygaze has been killed. She was the Medicine Cat.


Mousefluff sobbed as Stormstar and Amberpoppy stared at her, the she-cat struggling to stand on her damaged leg.

"Mousefluff, I am truly sorry about your sister. She's in StarClan now..." Amberpoppy murmured gently, stepping forward. "However, I must ask, did you see anything useful about the killer? Anything at all?" the deputy pleaded, gaze filled with sympathy.

The warrior stared up, blinking a few times before choking out her answer. "Yes... I b-believe the killer had bright eyes... it was t-too dark to see anything else."


The Clan was silent in grief as they looked towards the branches of the dead oak their leader was standing on, the sounds of Mousefluff's sobs echoing through the camp.

"We have lost a truly kind cat today..." Stormstar began. "However, I promise you this, we will catch whoever is responsible, and they will not go without punishment!"

Amberpoppy stepped forward. "I accuse..."


CLUE 1: Bright eyes

[Possible eye colours: Bright blue, light green or yellow]


Attacked: Hollygaze

Healed: Mousefluff (Incorrect)

Accused: ....? (Amberpoppy check PMs)

Due to the death of the medicine cat, a new medicine cat will be assigned to the Clan. If they die, there will be no-one else to heal the Clan. Keep an eye on your PMs just in case I pick you.

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