Round 2 - Voting 3

285 8 59

"I accuse Cedarcloud!"

Glacierstar looked hesitant as she acknowledged the accuser's suggestion, looking between Cedarcloud and the Clan as she considered what to do.

Cedarcloud narrowed his eyes, before shaking his head.

"Fine. I don't like this, but you can't just show bias toward me because you're my mate, Glacierstar. I will stand before TundraClan if this is the decision they want to make," the tom meowed, raising his head as he walked to the front of the gathered Clan.

Glacierstar sighed.

"Alright then... TundraClan, is Cedarcloud innocent or guilty?"


Evidence of his innocence:

- Silverfeather was his friend, would he really hurt him by first killing his mate and then Silverfeather himself?

- Would he really betray his own mate Glacierstar by killing her brother Ashenblaze?

- His family of Glacierstar and his kits are important to him, it is fairly unlikely that he would put them in danger by attacking his own Clan

Evidence of his guilt:

- He is a very perceptive cat, and the killer has shown no issue pointing out cat's weaknesses and trying to hurt others with their words

- He is also fairly ambitious, perhaps that as well as his hatred of the deputy Rootfrost could be dangerous motivations

- He has black and white fur, which could be helpful for both escaping in snowy weather and hiding in dark forests


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