Round 2 - The End | TundraClan Victory!

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As the Clan's discussion fell into silence, Snowpetal padded up to Rootstar and murmured the results of their vote to the she-cat, her eyes widening as she nodded, thanking the deputy.

The ginger she-cat stepped forward, her gaze hostile as she met Deershade's expectant eyes.

"Deershade, by the vote of TundraClan, you are hereby voted guilty! Given that not a single cat voted innocent, it is clear that you can no longer be trusted within our Clan!" Rootstar growled, as Deershade bristled.

"Whatever. I've already killed enough cats, this little Clan won't stand a chance anymore. I guaranteed that when Glacierstar lay at my paws, a helpless little leader with a paralysed spine. Have fun trying to survive," Deershade growled, smirking slightly as her brother's expression rapidly flashed between heartbreak and anger.

"My own could you?! Killing your own kin? What about Darkwind? He was your closest friend from kithood... You're not my sister, you're nothing but a heartless traitor!" Owlstride screeched, his usual rationality completely gone as he unsheathed his claws, looking ready to leap forward and tear his own sister apart.

Deershade grinned.

"Oh dear brother. Kits are merely a distraction, I did you a favour," she purred, a false sweetness to her voice. Then her eyes darkened.

"Besides, what was I ever going to be anyway? It didn't matter how hard I worked when we were younger, it didn't matter how much time passed, the Clan always favoured you! The perfect cat... I'm tired of living in my family's shadow, tired of living in yours. This is the only path to power! Eliminate the weak, and I promise you I can lead you to greatness!" she yowled, glaring at her brother before turning to face her clanmates expectantly.

She was met with silence, with many cats refusing to even look at her.

"Enough of this. I don't care about your delusional beliefs; they don't excuse the horrors you have committed. Letting you live is more than enough mercy than you deserve for what you have done," Rootstar hissed, venom in her tone as she faced her brother's murderer. "Leave, Deershade. Do not return, or our warriors will show no hesitation in killing you."

Deershade scoffed, before turning around to leave, ignoring the angry glares of her former clanmates behind her.

"Enjoy your 'peace.' It won't last long," she spat.

The Clan stayed quiet while Rootstar jumped down from her spot above them.

"Snowpetal, Shiverhawk, follow her and make sure she leaves our territory. I don't trust a cat like her to follow orders..." Rootstar muttered, the two she-cats nodding in response as they ran to follow her.

"I pray this is the end of our troubles. I know it has been a hard few moons, and we have lost too many warriors in the face of her cruelty. We must find a way to move on..." Rootstar meowed softly.


As the sun began to set, Dawngaze found himself sitting at the edge of camp, his gaze miserable as he watched the darkening sky. Behind him, a small ginger she-cat padded up to his side, gently taking her place beside him as she looked up at the elder in confusion.

"Are you alright, Dawngaze?" Fernpaw asked quietly.

Dawngaze sighed, meeting her gaze with fondness in his eyes. He gave her a gentle lick on the ear.

"It feels strange... I've known so many cats in this Clan since they were little kits, watched them grow up into strong and powerful warriors. To see so many of those young lives vanquished in the face of one cat's desires for something as petty as power, it feels so pointless... it's unfair," the elder whispered, shaking his head.

Fernpaw nodded.

"I think I understand, I never expected something like this to happen when I became an apprentice... But their deaths don't have to be pointless. We can honour their memory by trying to be better, by taking what they taught us and moving forward, together," Fernpaw whispered, as a smile appeared on Dawngaze's face.

"Now now, young one. When did you get to be so wise?" he chuckled, playfully batting at her with a paw as she giggled. "But, thank you Fernpaw. With kind young cats like you, I know we have a bright future," he murmured.

They fell into a comfortable silence as they sat side by side, watching the sun vanish below the horizon.


Congratulations TundraClan! The murderer has been exiled!

ACCUSER: Varulven15 [Lynxpaw/storm - Apprentice --> Warrior]

MEDICINE CAT: The_Flame_Fox [Everest]
(Fernpaw would have taken over as medicine cat apprentice if Everest had died)

Everest successfully healed Snowpetal and Cedarcloud.

MURDERER: LDCat996 [Deershade]

Deershade's killing choices:

- Ashenblaze [Success - Scene 1], Silverfeather [Success - Scene 2], Snowpetal [Failed - Scene 3], Glacierstar [Success - Scene 4], Cedarcloud [Failed - Scene 5], Darkwind [Success - Scene 6], Flykit/paw [Success - Scene 7]


Thank you so much to everyone who participated! I do apologise for how long this took to finish, but I'm grateful to you all for staying with us ^^

Also thank you once again to the amazing Saphykins for co-hosting with me :) I always enjoy writing with you.

Next round probably won't happen immediately, thinking of taking a break until at least summer or early Autumn/fall, and then SolarClan will be up next for Round 3.
(Not a winter themed Clan, so there should be a little more variety. If you have any suggestions as to how we could mix the next round up a little, feel free to leave them in the comments!)

[Note for future rounds: There are 4 Clans in the Frozen Blood setting, so this book may only have 4 rounds, but that may change, depends on how much time we have to write or how much variety we can add to future chapters]


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