Round 2 - Scene 3

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Sorry for the delay with this one, took a lil longer to write as training type scenes are not my strong point :')

Glacierstar sat quietly listening to the rest of her Clan's discussion, waiting until the talking had died down and Rootfrost had counted the vote of each cat. Rootfrost quietly told her the results, the leader nodding as she stood up.

"Rootfrost has informed me that the majority have voted Deershade innocent, therefore she will stay in TundraClan! However, please be careful outside of camp, try not to go anywhere alone for now until our killer is caught..."

Deershade sighed in relief, her brother nodding his thanks as the Clan reluctantly dissipated, and the camp was quiet once more.


Rootfrost and Snowpetal were stood in the middle of the open training field, Fernpaw and Lynxpaw watching their mentors expectantly as they explained their training plans for the day. The young tabby tom was glaring at his mentor.

"Do we really have to train in the rain? My pelt is soaked!" Lynxpaw complained, as Rootfrost gave him a sharp glare.

"If you can't train in a little light rain, StarClan forbid you defend our camp during an attack from another Clan in a storm..." Rootfrost muttered, shaking her head at her apprentice.

Snowpetal laughed nervously as she stepped forward, addressing both apprentices.

"Today, you're going to expand on the battle tactics that you've already been learning, and this time you'll be battling each other," she began, "claws sheathed," the she-cat added after spotting Lynxpaw's sudden gleeful expression.

Fernpaw swallowed, struggling to meet Lynxpaw's eyes as she nodded.

Lynxpaw lashed his tail, dropping into position as he stood opposite the she-cat, who wordlessly took her place opposite him. With a nod from their mentors, Lynxpaw leapt forward, attempting to slash down with his paw as Fernpaw dodged beneath him, the smaller she-cat being able to evade him.

"Lynxpaw, remember what I told you about vulnerabilities, aim carefully rather than just rushing forward!" Rootfrost called out, as Lynxpaw growled in annoyance, pushing Fernpaw back as she tried to aim her first hit.

The tabby tom curled his lip before pouncing to the left, quickly changing direction as he leapt once more toward Fernpaw, throwing his weight against her as the she-cat fell to the ground, pinning her to the grass as she struggled.

"Good work, Lynxpaw. Fernpaw, we'll need to work on your defensive movements next," Snowpetal called out, as Rootfrost tried to beckon her own apprentice away.

"I'm not done yet!" Lynxpaw yowled, glaring at Fernpaw as she looked up at him with a fearful and confused expression. "A true warrior fights until the very end, to defend their Clan!" the tom screeched, shoving her again as she began to shift backwards away from him. "Fight back!" he yelled, unsheathing his claws, catching her and slashing down harshly.

Lynxpaw's eyes widened as he stopped, looking down at his now unsheathed claws in realisation.

"Lynxpaw!" Rootfrost growled, dragging him backwards as the tom panted, glancing back at Fernpaw with slight guilt in his eyes as he realised what he had done. Snowpetal groaned, moving over to check her apprentice's injuries. The she-cat sighed.

"These could get infected, I think its best I take her back to the medicine cat. Can you stand, Fernpaw?" Snowpetal asked, as Fernpaw tried, a sharp gasp escaping her while she tried to get to her paws.

"Alright alright... I'll go and get them myself. Rootfrost, would you mind staying with Lynxpaw and Fernpaw? I don't want to leave another cat alone, not after last time with Silverfeather..." Snowpetal murmured, as the deputy nodded.

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