Round 1 - Voting 3

258 11 42


Everyone turned to stare at the tom as he looked around irritably. Nightleap rolled his eyes, lazily striding up to the dead oak.

"Wow. You really think I'd attack Blizzardshade? My own brother?" he accused, glaring at Amberpoppy. "And frame my best friends? Duskwatcher and Frostwhisker?" Mistfeather glanced at him in concern, the mourning kits still curled into her side.

"Darling please, anger won't help you..." she begged, but Nightleap did not back down.

"Don't you try and tell me what to do, don't pretend that you love me so much when we all know Silverkit isn't mine, he's Storm-" he began, as Mistfeather's eyes widened.

"Quiet! That is a very serious accusation Nightleap, and there's plenty of evidence against you, so let the Clan vote." Stormstar snapped.


Evidence for his innocence:

- Blizzardshade was his brother, there wouldn't be much motive in attacking him at the beginning, with Frostwhisker and Duskwatcher being his good friends.

- Would he really put Rushpaw and Briarpaw in danger by killing other cats?

Evidence for his guilt:

- He has bright eyes as described in the clue

- His pelt would be difficult to see in the mist

- Nightleap is quite immature and has always hated authority


Is Nightleap innocent or guilty?

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