Round 1 - Scene 3

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Frostwhisker's player has left the game, he will still be included for writing but no more than that. (Yes, this means he isn't the killer)

Once again, after hearing the discussion of the cats below, Amberpoppy groaned, her verdict had been opposed once more. She muttered the results to Stormstar, before retaining a passive expression and leaping into the branches of the dead oak.

Stormstar nodded, before announcing to the Clan... "Not guilty. I suppose all we can do is wait. Until then, apprentices should only go out with their mentors when the light is most visible, and no leaving camp after the sun sets. Dismissed."


It was early morning in HailClan, with the blizzard slowly subsiding the amount of cats outside of their dens had increased. Among them, Gingerkit and Emberkit were playing together, while Silverkit stared at them with wide eyes from the nursery.

"I'm the most evil cat in the clan!" Gingerkit squeaked, playfully swiping at Emberkit with her paws. "Feel my wrath!" she cried. Emberkit giggled, feigning injury as she fell backwards.

Silverkit whimpered as Gingerkit turned her gaze to him, pretending to prepare to pounce, as Mistfeather turned to look at them, shaking her head.

"Now, now. Leave him be," she muttered, curling her tail around him. Beside her, Hazelsnow scoffed, rolling her eyes. 

"Ha! Carry on, I say. One day, he'll have to defend himself, you can't just protect him every time a cat even looks at him!" Hazelsnow mocked, before gazing at Gingerkit and Emberkit with pride. Mistfeather ignored her taunts, moving with Silverkit to the back of the nursery.

"Why don't you let Nettlekit join in on your game?" Hazelsnow questioned her kits, as Gingerkit and Emberkit turned to her with guilty eyes, looking at each other nervously.

"H-He said he wanted to play in the forest... W-We thought he'd be back before you woke up..." Emberkit stammered, looking at the floor.



Hazelsnow sprinted through the forest, eyes wide in panic as she searched for the familiar grey fur of her kit, stumbling as she tripped over branches.

"Nettlekit? Nettlekit!" she cried, before coming to a sudden stop by a large ditch within the ground.

"Mama!" a kit wailed, terrified eyes staring at her from within it. Hazelsnow gasped, leaping down to pick him up gently, before climbing back out. The kit purred in relief, snuggling into his mother's side.

"I can't believe you'd do something so reckless! Never do that to me again, you hear me?" Hazelsnow scolded, looking over him for any possible injuries. The kit whimpered, before swaying as his mother caught him, passing out in exhaustion.


"Is he alright? I could help you take him back to camp if you'd like" a voice stated. Hazelsnow turned in alarm, before relaxing at the sight.

"Oh its just you. Well..." Hazelsnow started, before frowning. "Why are you out here though? It's quite early..." the queen narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "I'll take him back myself..."

"Come now, I'm sure you could use some extra help," the cat pressed, before the queen sighed. "Well, I suppose..."

The cat's expression then changed, grinning menacingly.

"Good. I'll reunite you both in StarClan!" With one well aimed swipe of unsheathed claws, the cat leapt forward, and Hazelsnow collapsed, pawing at Nettlekit desperately before her eyes glazed over.

"Now for you..." the killer muttered, before frowning as they heard approaching voices. "Guess you'll live another day..." They darted off into the trees.


Gingerkit and Emberkit wailed as their mother's body was brought into camp, Emberkit trying to nudge her mother awake with her head.

"Mama? Please wake up... It's morning, you're not supposed to sleep after sunrise!" Emberkit begged, burying her face in Hazelsnow's fur.

Mistfeather lowered her head. She never liked Hazelsnow, but she would never wish such a fate on her kits.

"Come here..." the queen murmured, pulling them towards her. "It'll be alright."


Amberpoppy's eyes were half closed in mourning, the sight of her best friend lying motionless in the grass still in her mind. Stormstar sighed, turning to her with an expectant look within his gaze. The she-cat nodded, before stating her verdict for the Clan.

"I accuse..."


Attacked: Hazelsnow

Healed: Frostwhisker (Incorrect)

Accused: ....? (Deputy, check PMs)


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