Round 1 - Scene 7

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This chapter was once again co-written by Duskstar with Sealfrost! [ Saphykins ] Seal's sections are marked with a * for credit. Summary of clues at the end if you don't want to read the whole thing.

Amberstar gave Mistfeather a cold look as the dwindling number of cats in the Clan discussed, before finally creating an answer for their new leader, gazing up at her expectantly. The she-cat nodded, signalling to Duskwatcher who was standing behind the queen.

"You have been found guilty of the murder of your Clanmates. We have the evidence, so leave now!" Amberstar demanded, as Duskwatcher unsheathed his claws as a threat.

Mistfeather swallowed, before nodding nervously.

"Fine. But I beg you, please take care of my kit!" she cried. Amberstar narrowed her eyes at the she-cat as she stepped forward.

"We will. We give better care to innocent kits than murderers," the leader growled, lashing her tail angrily. Mistfeather gave her kit one last mournful look, before padding to the Clan's exit, shaking her head in disappointment.

----------------- Mistfeather has been exiled. She was innocent.

Aspencloud had moved into the nursery, deciding to take care of Silverkit as he no longer needed milk, only a she-cat's supervision. Silverkit was fast asleep his chest rising and falling softly as the elder sighed, carefully getting up to pad outside the den.

Her gaze moved to the fresh-kill pile, but it was essentially empty, apart from a few scraps. The she-cat scowled, glaring at the young warriors lazing about in the sun. Rushfeather and Bramblespirit lay  next to each other, taking in the sunlight that had arrived at the end of leaf-bare.

The elder stormed over, lashing her tail.

"While you sit around and enjoy yourselves, the rest of us are starving!" the she-cat growled, as the two tom cats leapt to their paws, awkwardly meeting her raging gaze.

Bramblespirit sighed. "We're sorry Aspencloud, but Duskwatcher's hunting patrol only left a while ago, they won't be back for ages now. Palebranch, Emberpaw, Nettlepaw and Gingerpaw went with him," he began, as Aspencloud's eyes slowly darkened with each word that left his mouth.

"Then... get off your lazy backs... and make yourselves useful... get me some prey, now!" she yowled, Bramblespirit and Rushfeather jumping back in terror.

"Y-Yes Aspencloud!" Rushfeather, stammered, as the two toms raced toward the forest, the rage of the elder behind them.


Rushfeather and Bramblespirit padded through the dense forest, the adrenaline from earlier had reduced, with the two at a more relaxed pace. Rushfeather paused, intertwining their tails as he murmured, "I'm sorry about Blizzardshade... he was a great cat. I'm sure StarClan will recognise him as a noble warrior."

Bramblespirit nodded his thanks, leaning against his friend slightly as the two stopped to rest for a while. 

"Thanks. I'm sorry about your family too, it must hurt with Mistfeather and Nightleap being gone..." he replied, as Rushfeather met his gaze with sadness, nodding slightly.

"It does... but it was the right thing to do, and I feel the Clan is safer because of it. I love my family, but HailClan will always come first," the tom whispered, as Bramblespirit pushed his muzzle against his friend's fur in comfort.

"You're a brave cat Rushfeather, braver than I could ever be..." Bramblespirit muttered, as Rushfeather licked his ear. 

"Nonsense, I'm glad you're here, and I'm happy to have you as a friend. Now, let's find that prey before Aspencloud claws our ears off," the tom joked, as Bramblespirit chuckled in reply.

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