Round 2 - Scene 5

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Sorry for the long delay with this chapter, had been struggling to find the motivation to write recently. Also I know we keep doing time skips but we were worried about the ratio of potential mentors to apprentices so Icepaw and Lynxpaw are now warriors and Foxdawn's kits are now apprentices. - Dusk

Rootfrost whisked her tail as she counted the votes. Most of them were guilty, and Fogwhisper looked around anxiously, not even finding support from her sisters, both of them having voted guilty.

"Fogwhisper, you have been voted guilty. Leave the camp now, or face the consequences," the orange deputy, soon to be leader, meowed. "I'm sorry, I can't help you," she added kindly as Fogwhisper passed. "It's okay. I see I'm no longer wanted here," she snapped.

Fogwhisper has been exiled, she was INNOCENT. One killer remains.


Cedarcloud padded around camp, his head low. Two moons had passed since his mate died, but he'd never fully get over losing her. He sat down next to the warriors den to observe camp.

Rootstar padded out of her den, Snowpetal following. The brown she-cat's eyes had nearly fully healed, and even though the medicine cat had said her eyes would never be what they were, Rootstar had found her the best option for deputy.

"Did you see that?" A high pitched voice drew Cedarcloud's attention towards the entrance of the camp. A patrol was entering, led by Darkwind. His apprentice Breezepaw followed him, accompanied by her brother Flypaw. The she-cat was the one who had spoken, and Darkwind nodded. "It was a good pounce, too bad you landed just a bit short," the black tom meowed.

Flypaw bounced up to his mentor, Rootstar. "Darkwind said I did really well during training, right Darkwind?" He asked, to which Darkwind nodded amusedly. The tom dismissed his apprentice and trotted towards the prey pile, only to lose his balance and tumble straight into it. Cedarcloud had to do his best not to purr, watching Darkwind get up, acting like nothing happened. Everyone in the Clan had gotten used to his clumsiness, but it was still fun to see the antics that happened whenever he was around.

Continuing his observation of camp, Cedarcloud's eyes were drawn to the nursery as the Clan's newest warriors pushed out, after, he assumed, checking in on their mother's newest litter. "They're so cute," Icewatcher purred, watching his brother roll his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, at least we became warriors in time to be able to protect them," Lynxstorm replied.

"Do you think Fogwhisper was guilty?" Cedarcloud looked up as he saw Foxdawn and Icewatcher sit down next to him. The tortoiseshell she-cat had gone back to her warrior duties after her kits became apprentices, and had quickly proved that her hunting skills were still as good as before her kitting.

"I don't know to be honest, nothing bad has happened for the past two moons," Cedarcloud answered the tom. "But that doesn't mean we're safe," he continued. "Oh come on, cheer up," Foxdawn teased him, glancing up as she saw two cats pass.

"I can't believe Rootstar made her deputy," Shiverhawk was grumbling. "She's not even close to being good enough, almost any other warrior would've done a far better job, especially someone like me" she continued, glancing at Owlstride. The tom nodded, a disappointed look on his face. "I thought Rootstar was going to choose me when she glanced at me for a long moment during the ceremony," he replied.

"Ha, as if she'd ever choose you, you're nowhere near good enough," the white-and-grey she-cat declared with a mean glance at Owlstride, to which the tom rolled his eyes and parted ways with her.

Icewatcher blinked rapidly next to Cedarcloud. "Alrrright then," he meowed. "That was interesting. Who knew Owlstride wanted to be deputy that badly?" As Cedarcloud was about to reply, an out of breath Thistlehaze raced up to him. "Gustpaw ran off," he wheezed. "I'm sorry, I tried to stop him but he got upset with me, I must've said something wrong."

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