Round 3 - Scene 1

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We're both a little rusty (ha-) so we're still trying to do our best in getting back into mafia writing, so if chapters take a little longer to come out, that's probably why.

Also note: We have decided to go back to the format of just having the deputy be the accuser, this way we don't have to keep choosing a new one if the accusers keep dying :') 
If you're really confused about the context for this chapter, please see R2 - Scene 6.


It was an early morning in the SolarClan camp, and the hill that usually would have had cats in many different places doing their different duties was oddly empty, with a large group of cats instead choosing to sit in the center of their camp. Loud chatter could be heard coming from the group as they argued amongst themselves.

"I don't understand, there were a lot of TundraClan cats missing, how could we have been defeated in battle? This is unacceptable!" Dawnshadow growled, as a brown tabby next to her nodded, tilting her head in thought.

"I wonder what happened to them... I admit the battle was a painful defeat, but it is odd for their full force of warriors not to be present to defend their camp. The same thing seemed to have happened to HailClan when we saw them at the gathering, and both clans were without their previous leaders," Pinerunner murmured.

A small white tom between them frowned.

"I hope nothing bad happened..." Peachpaw whispered, before jumping as he noticed Sunnystar growling behind him.

"Is that sympathy for another Clan I hear from you Peachpaw?" the leader asked, hissing in annoyance. "Your mentor is a bad influence on you. SolarClan is strong, and if the other clans are too weak to face us, then that is their problem. Your loyalty is to SolarClan, and no one else!"

Peachpaw shrank in on himself, nodding as he dipped his head.

"Right, I-I'm sorry," he mumbled, as Dawnshadow rolled her eyes beside him.

The ginger tom gave the group one last glare before storming off toward the warriors den, where other warriors were also sitting around and talking. Fury built up in the leader's chest as he realised they were also discussing the TundraClan battle, and he stalked over to Cloudeater, who was quietly listening to his clanmates.

"Cloudeater! I want you to choose some cats for a border patrol, now. There will be no more talk of this battle, these warriors need to make themselves useful," he snapped. The white and black tom stared at Sunnystar in confusion.

"But Sunnystar, we checked the borders yesterday, and the day before. Surely a hunting patrol would be a better choice," he tried, before Sunnystar cut him off.

"I didn't choose you to be deputy to question my every decision," the leader spat, struggling to shake the anger in his chest as he glared at Cloudeater. "Send a patrol to the North Hill border, I don't want to hear about any more TundraClan cats hunting on our territory."

The deputy sighed at Sunnystar's antics, before nodding hesitantly.

"Maplefeather, could you please join the patrol, and tell Adderspark to join and bring Chestnutpaw as well?" the deputy asked the ginger she-cat beside him. "I'll go as well, and I'll find Eclipselight, he hasn't done anything in a while..." the tom muttered to himself, as the cats dispersed to prepare for the patrol.


Maplefeather padded behind Cloudeater as they headed for the North Hill border, angling her ears back to catch the conversation between Adderspark and Eclipselight.

"They were both missing their leaders as well as quite a few warriors, it is so odd that the same thing could happen in two Clans," Eclipselight was meowing.

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