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"Y/N, lets go!" Elle whined, pulling at my arm. "We're gonna be late! Derek and Emily are downstairs waiting for us."

"I just need to put on lipstick, Elle."

"You can put it on in the car, let's go you lazy ass."

I jokingly sighed as I got out of my chair, making sure to grab my purse and room key before following Elle into the hallway. Somehow she had convinced me to come to this club that she and Emily frequented, and quite often, might I add. I was never much of a partier until I met Elle my freshman year, and since then we had become inseparable. I met her in my freshman year criminology class, and she introduced me to her girlfriend Emily Prentiss. They had been together since junior year of high school, according to Elle, and they were absolutely, utterly in love with each other. It was disgusting.

We slid out the front door, waving to Aaron Hotchner, the DA who absolutely adored us, him smiling back brightly as we walked outside. Derek's car was parked a few feet from the front door, Emily standing outside to greet Elle with open arms. I fake gagged as I hopped around them into the passenger's seat, giving Derek a fist bump.

"Are you ready for your first ever club experience, Y/N?"

"I... I think so."

Elle and Emily slid into the backseat. "Don't worry babes, we'll get you someone to go home with."

"Elle, I love you so so so much, but it's the night before the first day of classes. I don't think I'll be going home with anyone tonight."

"Mmhmm.. we'll see about that."

The car was filled with laughter and pre-game music as Derek drove us to the club, the three of them conspiring about who I would go home with that night. If I'm going to be completely honest, I 100% did not plan on going home with anyone except for a drunken Elle tonight- that was, if she didn't go to Emily's apartment. I just wanted to get to bed, but gave up resisting when Elle said she would cut up my $200 fake i.d.

We pulled around back and parked in the first available spot, the four of us hopping out and making our way towards the door. I made sure to pull out the correct I.D, remembering the first time Elle tried to take me clubbing and accidentally trying to get in with my proper state I.D. The bouncer at the door, David Rossi, smiled at Derek and just let us inside, leading me to wonder what the story was behind those two. Right away, Elle and Emily went to the bar, getting us all shots while Derek and I found a table to sit at.

"Alright party people, here's to a new school year!"

The shot slid down my throat, a burning sensation following not too far after. No matter how many shots I took with Elle, the burning always came. She said I wasn't "conditioned" enough... whatever that meant. A few shots in and I was ready to go, grabbing Elle's hand as she dragged Emily and I out to the dance floor. The three of us swayed in time to the music, some EDM club remix blasting through the speakers as we let the alcohol take over our system. Before I knew it, Derek was wrapped around another girl, shooting me a wink as he disappeared into the crowd. I chuckled to myself- of course he would find someone. Elle and Emily had disappeared as well, leaving me alone. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist as we continued to dance to the newest remix that was on, and I felt myself leaning back into their touch. Long blonde locks fell over my shoulder as my head fell back, falling into the crook of their neck. I didn't even have to get a full look at them to know that I most definitely was not going back to the dorm tonight.

The way our bodies melded together was... was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Sure, I've had my fair share of relationships, but none that ever felt like we had meshed so perfectly like I was with this faceless, nameless person I was grinding against. We danced through a few more songs before the person grabbed my hand, pulling me towards a darker corner of the club. I got a better look at their face, and God my legs turned to jello. The person was a she, and she was absolutely stunning. Her eyes were a bright blue and I swear I could see the sky in them. She was wearing a tight red dress that highlighted all of her curves, and hugged her in all the right places. Her heels made her a couple inches taller than me, but I was okay with that- I'm a sucker for height differences. Her long blonde hair reached down to her middle back, and was lightly curled, but had started to lose it's curl due to the humidity of the room. Her eyes locked into mine as she pinned me against the wall, a smirk forming on her face. She leant down to my ear and with the huskiest voice ever, whispered:

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now