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tw; eating disorder mention

It had been two weeks since my little picnic with Kate, and two weeks since I had heard from JJ. I was getting nervous, but I just presumed she was busy. Part of me was itching to text her, but part of me was telling myself to leave her be- considering how distracted we each could be around each other, it was probably better that I left her alone for a bit to get her stuff done. I reassured myself many times there had to be a reason she wasn't texting me back. She was a teacher, for God's sake. Her life revolved over more things than just me and the absolutely wild sex we had. And my life revolved around more than her too. I couldn't let myself get hung up on her, especially when we had nothing to gain at the moment. Yes, we were going to try, but we never actually distinguished what "trying" meant. Or, what we were for that matter. Like Matt said, I was on a dangerous tightrope, and I was on the verge of losing my balance and falling off.

And it scared the absolute living shit out of me.

Kate and I continued hanging out, and we started doing homework together. Today we were going to hang out at her place, with one of her friends and her friends' boyfriend. I was a bit nervous, since I wasn't usually the best at interacting with new people, but I knew that Kate would be there so it would be semi-easy. After my last class of the day, I made my way over to her room, which happened to be in the dorm that was attached to mine. I snuck through the back hallways so I could avoid having to be signed in as a guest and went to her room, number 4454. I knocked on her door, biting my lip anxiously. I don't know why I was so nervous- it was Kate.

"Hey! Come on in." Kate smiled at me as she opened the door. "Viv, Spence, this is Y/N. Y/N, my friend Aviva and her boyfriend, Spencer."

"Nice to meet you guys." I walked in, sitting down in one of the chairs in the corner. "Oh hey, you're Elle's roommate, right?"

"Yeah, I am." Aviva smiled. "Nice to officially meet you, Y/N."

"You too."

"So you're the girl from the coffee shop-"

"Spencer!" Aviva cut him off, turning back to me. "I'm so sorry. He has no filter."

I chuckled. "It's fine. But yeah, you're right. I'm one of Kate's regulars."

"The average cup of coffee is $3.28, meaning if you bought a cup of coffee from Kate every day of the school year you roughly spend $590 a school year on coffee. But Kate said your order is a medium iced white chocolate mocha with a sausage, egg and bacon wrap which would bring your total to roughly $9.90 without tax, meaning your rough estimate as to how much you spend a year is most likely around... $792 dollars per academic year."

My jaw dropped in surprise. "What, is he a genius or something?"

"Although I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, I do have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can read 20,000 words per minute. Yes, I'm a genius."

"How old are you?" my eyebrows raised.

"19." He smiled. "I currently have a BA in Sociology and I'm here working on my BA in Psychology."

I looked over to Kate. "Is he being serious?"

"I saw the diploma myself."

"I met him in my psychology lab last year, and we clicked I guess." Aviva shrugged. "We're still working on his filter, though."

The four of us got to know each other for a bit before we all pulled out our respective homework assignments, getting to work. Every little bit I kept checking my phone to see if JJ texted me, which she didn't. She would at least have responded to my texts by now, but she hadn't. I was starting to think I did something wrong. I was going over everything that had happened over the past two weeks in my head, trying to figure out where I went wrong. To my knowledge, I didn't do anything wrong- we had acted like everything was completely normal. That was, until she saw me hanging out with Kate. Was Kate the reason JJ wasn't talking to me? I shook the thought out of my head. There was no way JJ was jealous over the fact that I made a friend. I was allowed to have friends, wasn't I? It's not like I was her property. At least, I didn't think I was. We hadn't really... explored, per se... how open we were in the terms of sex yet. The last thing we explored was my newly discovered Mommy Kink, which I didn't know I had until I met her.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now