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The rest of our day was spent in bed, watching tv between makeout sessions. And various other things. Around dinner time, she threw on some clothes and a pair of panties, motioning for me to stay put as she went to the kitchen, leaving me alone and naked on her bed. I was a bit confused, but also intrigued- what was she doing? Why would she make me stay in the room while she went out alone? I grabbed the shirt of hers that I was wearing and went into the bathroom, deciding that I should at least attempt to tame myself before she called me back out. I checked myself in the mirror, noticing all the hickies she had left all over my body, marking me as hers. I ran my hands over some of them, the bruising already turning a dark purple. A smile formed as I practically felt her hands all over me again, the memories of what we did engraved in the forefront of my mind. There were some new scratch marks on my back, but they weren't as bad as before. Where she held me on my hips was a bit red, but other than that, I looked practically the same as I did when I walked in earlier. I flattened out my hair a bit before going back to her drawer and finding a pair of shorts I could wear, pulling them on as the smell of reheated Chinese food and evergreen wafted through her apartment.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I made my way to the front room, watching her reheat our long forgotten food while she set the table. I had to hold back a chuckle, knowing she was setting up a mock "date" for us. I bit my lip as she rushed around, trying to make it perfect. She caught my eye and shooed me away with a napkin, causing me to chuckle. I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist as she tried to fold the napkin perfectly. Placing a kiss to the back of her shoulder, I turned her around so she was facing me, smirking at her. I ran my hand down her stomach and to the hem of her pants, my lips going to her jawline and leaving small kisses.

"And what might you be doing, mi querido?"

"Mostrándote lo mucho que te aprecio." I spoke between kisses, smirking.

"The food is going to get cold." her voice was barely above a whisper. "We should eat."

"Oh but I won't be getting cold, darling. If anything, you'll be eating me by the time the other food gets cold."

I backed away, smirking at her as I went into the kitchen, grabbing one of the plates she left out and piling on some food, watching her grip onto the back of the chair, staring me down. I acted innocent, knowing that the teasing would drive her crazy. A few minutes later both of us were at the table, a nice chit chat going as we ate.

"Hey so," I swallowed the food in my mouth, looking at her. "You know how I'm going home to see Matt this weekend, since he has a long weekend due to Labor Day. It's very last second but, I was wondering if you'd like to come? Like, actually? Matt said it would be okay if you came and I have my own room so the kids hopefully shouldn't bother us and I know Matt and Kristy won't and-"

"I'd love to."

My eyes widened. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, of course. You talk so highly of him and he seems like a really neat guy."

"He is." I smiled. "He's my rock."

"Where does he live?"

"Just outside of Quantico. It's not that long of a drive. Maybe like... an hour and a half? Less than that if I speed."

JJ raised her eyebrows. "So you're reckless and hot?"

"Don't forget sexy."

"Reckless, hot and sexy? I chose good, didn't I?"

I smirked. "Oh you chose perfect, baby."

The rest of dinner went by with some harmless flirting, and a lot of making out when we finished. I texted Matt eventually to let him know that JJ would be coming as well, throwing my phone somewhere as we cuddled on the couch, deciding to watch some old reruns of I Love Lucy while we did anything but pay attention. I was getting excited, but also very nervous for this week, considering that I was going to be taking home my first girl-

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now