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tw; smut but make it passion driven

I made the last minute decision to drive up to JJ's apartment a day early, texting Penelope to make sure she was going to be there when I got back to Richmond. On the way up, I made a quick stop to the local Lovers Lane, making sure to grab the one gift I truly wanted to get the lovebirds- a double ended dildo. Elle had been joking about one for ages now and I thought it would be funny to stuff it in her stocking when she wasn't looking, since we had stockings and presents to exchange. I also made sure to pick up the sexiest lingerie I could find there, planning to slip it on underneath my clothes in the car before I went inside. Not even half an hour later I was parking in the parking lot behind JJ's building, grabbing my bag and purse and double checking to make sure I had her gift. I was able to make it inside without a hitch and knocked on her door, biting my lip. She opened the door and gasped in surprise, bringing me in for a hug. She pulled me into her apartment and I was met with the smell of peppermint, and countless half wrapped Christmas gifts sitting on the table.

"I didn't know what to get your friends so I kind of just... guessed what they'd like but then I ran out of wrapping paper and I had to ask Peneleope if I could use some of hers and all she has is bright pink sparkly wrapping paper and-"

"You're literally adorable, has anyone ever told you that?" I bought her in for a kiss, lightly placing my bag down on the floor besides us. "How about this. I help you wrap your presents, and then you can unwrap yours?"

"I thought we were doing gifts tomorrow?" she said with a sultry tone, her eyes squinting at me.

"I got you a super special gift that I need to give you tonight."

"Well lucky for you, I got you a super special gift I need to give you tonight as well."

We finished wrapping her gifts in record time, making sure to throw them into the container that I had grabbed from my car that was full of my gifts. When we finished cleaning up I led her to the Christmas tree, sitting down in front of it and beckoning her to sit down with me. I pulled her in for a quick kiss, gently cupping her face in my hands.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" I pulled out a bag that had all the things I got her inside.

"Uhm... how about you open mine first?"


I took the little bag from her, smiling as I blindly stuck my hand in, feeling something cool and smooth. My face scrunched up in confusion as I pulled out a set of four shot glasses, each with a different little funny face on them. I started laughing, knowing exactly what those glasses referenced. She motioned for me to reach into the bag again, and I moved the rest of the tissue paper out of the way and pulled out a pack of fuzzy socks- which I had been meaning to get but never had the time. I was glad she remembered that I had mentioned that back in October. Also in the bag was a book, one that had been on my reading list since I saw it in Barnes and Noble: The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics. I remember that I had told her about it when we went out to dinner after our victory against Strauss, and I opened it, smelling that new book smell. She chuckled at me, and looked back down to the bag. There was a small box sitting at the bottom of the bag and I grabbed it, opening it up.

Inside was a necklace, with two hearts interwoven. In one heart was an opal jewel, and in the other was a sapphire stone. I couldn't help but let out a singular laugh, and really loudly. When JJ looked at me I grabbed the box, handing it to her. She opened it to find the exact same necklace sitting inside, with the same stones and everything. We both burst out into laughter, taking a minute to calm down before I spoke.

"I got you that necklace because it reminded me of how much you mean to me. It truly feels like we were meant to be together, no matter what circumstances happened to get us apart. The way you make me feel is truly amazing and blissful, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else. I love you so much, Jennifer Jareau. So, so much."

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now