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Five Years Later...

"Agent Y/L/N, Agent Greenaway, you did a great job out there." Tara smiled at us. "Your quick thinking saved our asses."

"If it wasn't for Prentiss yelling at us through the comms to do something, I wouldn't have even imagined scanning the area for her." Elle smiled, grabbing Emily's hand.

"Please, you two wouldn't have seen her if it wasn't for me."

The BAU sat on the private jet, flying back to Quantico. We had finished a particularly tough case, and Tara had given us the week off considering we had been gone for three weeks. They were probably three of the worst weeks of my life, if I were being honest- our unsub had somehow managed to wiggle out of our grasp countless times, and we were all getting ready to call it quits when we got an anonymous tip that she was spotted in the heart of New Orleans. Due to us being there in the middle of the Spring Break season, we knew it was going to be tough to find her, but we were able to get through it when Emily saw her running through the crowd from one of the balconies and started screaming at us through the comms to, and I quote, "get your asses in gear she's running!". We chased her through the streets of New Oreleans, finally catching her as she ran onto a deadend street. Elle and I were able to apprehend her pretty easily, getting her to confess to everything she had done within two hours. The case was able to wrap up nicely, and we were able to watch her get convicted before we left as well, since her case was such a high demand due to her being so high risk.

Tara had hired on Elle and Emily after we lost Alex and Rossi to retirement. The team now consisted of Tara, Luke, my brother Matt, Emily, Elle and myself. Matt had been transferred in after the IRT was disbanded by Linda Barnes a few months prior, his expertise being grabbed by Tara before the BAU would lose him to a different team. Luke always made sarcastic comments about him being the youngest male on the team, but nobody had the heart to tell him that Spencer was being recruited to work with us as well. We had apprehended 25 unsubs over the past three months, with many more to come. I had also just passed my field agent test to the delight of the whole team, and was finally able to be in the field instead of back at the station, wondering if my team was okay. I still did the job of a media liaison, but I got to be in the field now as well, which was an added bonus. A bit of a scary bonus, but a bonus nonetheless. I had never expected to be able to chase the unsubs, only joining the team in the field a handful of times when they needed all hands on deck. It had also given me a nice raise too, which JJ and I were happy about- we had been compiling money for Sage's college fund, and the raise really helped us with that. Whether she knew it or not, we were going to do our best to get her into one of the best schools she could get into, and it all started with the college fund that we were building for her. We were determined to make it so she didn't have to take out loans.

"Either way, thanks to you two we finally got her. You all deserve the week off, and don't try and get out of it." Tara glared at Elle and Emily, the resident 'workaholics'. "Finish your paperwork by the end of the day, get it into me and go home. That's an order."

I was ready to get back home to my wife and our newborn daughter Sage. It was my first time being away from them since I had given birth, and I was itching to be back with my family. Rosaline and JJ, despite their differences, were able to make up after the whole Christmas Fiasco and somewhat get their lives back on track. They still had their moments, but Rosaline learned to care for me like another sister, and even started to get used to me being at family events. She was madly in love with Sage, and promised to be better for her. I was happy about that- Sage deserved her aunt to be in her life and I'd be damned if JJ lost Rosaline again.

Those few months where Rosaline and JJ weren't talking were absolutely horrible. I remember the pain in her voice when I went to her house, telling me to leave so Rosaline wouldn't get upset. I was glad I didn't leave, because only God knew that woman needed a firm talking to. If I hadn't made Rosaline get her shit together that night, JJ wouldn't have a sister anymore and our daughter wouldn't have an aunt. The three of us knew it takes a while for people to change their beliefs, and were ready to work through any hiccups we came across when it came to getting everything back to what we could hopefully call normal. Rosaline still was a little weirded out by us, but pushed it down so she could hang out with her niece. It was still tough sometimes, but Rosaline was getting the hang of learning to get used to the nature of JJ and I's relationship. I would never truly forgive her for what she did to us and what she put us through in my Junior year of college, but I knew I had to be civil with her for the sake of Sage.

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